Chapter 19

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🍍I found this one kinda fun.😌🍍

Dean's POV

"Yum soup!" Seth exclaims, taking a bowl for himself off the cart.

He begins to shovel it in his mouth and I laugh, causing extreme pain to my ribs.

I ignore it.

Suddenly, WWE camera crews files into the room and asks me to send a message.

I do just that, promising Lilly we would be there soon.

The camera cuts off and I sigh.

My breath is interrupted.

I gasp, yet it feels like the air in my lungs has disappeared.

I gasp and gasp and try to breath but there is nothing to breath.

I smack the bed quickly, attracting their attention.

The nurse calls for a doctor quickly and he immediately runs in, performing a make-shift tracheotomy.

He connects it to oxygen and I gasp largely to breath.

"What's happening?" I ask panicked.

"Your lung collapsed. We need to get him to surgery stat." He quickly instructs the nurse.

She runs to make a phone call while Seth comes to the bed and tries to calm me down.

The WWE cameras quickly film as I'm wheeled away to surgery.

"Seth. Seth man I love you. Your my best friend. When Roman comes back tell him I love him and you've both been the best brothers a guy could ask for. And if I don't make it. If I don't make it. Find that son of a bitch Bray and kill him if he hurt her. Kill him brutally. And when you find her, you help her. She is going to be surprised and so will you. Just help her through it. tell her I love her more than the sun loves the moon and I'll see her soon." I quickly gasp at Seth.

"Don't think like that man! Your going to make it. I will. I will but your going to make it." He tells me as they take me into the surgery room and pry him off of me.

They quickly put me under euthanasia and I am set in a dark sleep.


Deep into the darkness, peering.
Long I stood there,
Dreaming dreams
No mortal


I sit in a chair in the darkness for the longest time.

I make a clock in my head and count the minutes... Hours... Days as I lay under.

I watch the sand dial slowly run out as my time to awake drawls near.

My mind is blank while I sit in my head, watching the last little grains of sand run down.

The last one falls in slow motion and I am teleported to sleep.

I shift my eyes and open them slightly.

The light is piercing, pure white.

Slowly, my vision adjusts and I open my eyes wider.

Seth and Roman run to my bed quickly, shoving their chairs out from under them noisily.

I shift my head to the side to look at them.
"Hey guys." I dryly say.

They grin and I smile with as much energy as I can muster.

"Doctor, he's awake!" A nurse calls as she steps in.

She sits the bed up and seats me with soup and a small styrafoam cup of water.

"What happened?" I ask, sipping out of the cup.

"Your lung collapsed... And then they put you in surgery.. And you went into a coma." Roman explains gently, patting my hair down.

"How long was I out?" I ask panicked, sitting up further; ignoring the surprisingly slight pain.

"It's been two weeks, Dean." Roman whispers.

"Can I get out? We have to find Lilly! Did they find her? Why aren't we searching come on let's go!" I yell at them, trying to get up.

"They didn't find her, and to our knowledge she hasn't tried to get out of the place he's stashing her at." Seth explains to me.

"Call the doctor." I mutter, pulling IV's out of my arm.

Water spurts out of it and I put it into an empty bed pan on the counter.

Seth runs and grabs the doctor.

"I'm getting out. Give me meds or whatever and I'll take them just get me out." I tell him.

"You were actually able to be dismissed once you awoke at the one week mark so you are free to go." He tells me, handing me paperwork.

Seth runs and grabs my clothes while Roman gets dressed in the back of the room.

I ignore his awkward movements while I fill out the paperwork.

Once finished, I swirl my signature and Seth walks in.

He throws my clothes at me and I shift to the bathroom to change.

I quickly do so inside, stepping out as fast as possible.

The bathroom has a window, and I see it is midday outside.

I stare outside for a moment before jogging out of the door.

"Let's go." I tell them, grabbing my jacket and phone.

I click the home button and several texts show up.

"Oh god." I stop in my tracks.

I sit back in a chair.

I slide the lock and click on my messages.

It is the same number that Bray had sent photos from before and my face goes pale.

I click on the first text.

"She's fine. She loves it here." It says.

The next text message is a picture of her under a blanket, laying on a large bed with her eyes closed.

She has deep cut marks in extravagant curves and designs up her cheeks and neck, his elaborate signature even more excuisate.

The text was sent 14 days ago, and the next was ten days ago.

It shows her out on a hill, laying in the grass with her large, sullen yet beautiful eyes.

The cuts have spread more down her arms and a little on her legs, covered by her beautiful dress.

"Dreams are meant to be dreamt." The text says.

The next is 6 days ago and it says
"Some things are better left unsaid." It shows a picture of her standing by Luke and an old truck, grinning widely.

She looks like she was in mid laugh, and it surprises me.

The next is a photo of her in a tree, happily climbing.

"'Sure, sometimes it's bad but I love it here. You have good reasoning.' -Lilly" it says.

The last was sent 2 days ago.

The picture takes forever to load; so I read he actual text first.

"Sweet dreams, savior." It reads.

The picture finally loads.

It is me, in the hospital bed.

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