Chapter 22

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🍍Lol I barely write or post anymore. I kinda feel like I suck and am really fucking cheesy #oops. I'm sad as fuck because I'm watching old Robin William films like cri🍍

Lilly's POV.

I wake up the next morning.


I open my eyes and allow myself to feel.

The sheets are soaked in warm red fluid.

I scream loudly, startling Bray to the point where he springs out of bed.

I grasp my stinging face urgently.

I take my hand off of the wetness and see that it is sticky from the blood.

The cuts range down my face, neck, arms and collar bone.

"Oh my god!" I scream.

"It's okay, darlin." Bray tries to calm me.

"No! What the fuck! Why am I bleeding? What happened?" I ask frantically.

I hold up a sheet against my cheeks.

"Darling. You are mine; you have to be marked mine. Remember?" He asks me.

"No! I don't remember any of this!" I yell.

"Darling. You had to be mine." He tells me calmly.

"I am yours, you didn't have to cut me up." I explain, dabbing my cheeks.

He dives into my mouth suddenly.

"Bray." I gasp.

He let's go soon.

"Darling I'm sorry but I have to do your stomach."


"I'm just going to cut your tummy." He tells me like a little child.

"No! Bray!" I yell.

"Darling it's how you prove to me that you love me."

"I love you! I love you please don't cut me!" I plead.

"Darling it won't hurt" he insists, rolling up my dress.

He pulls a switchblade off of our nightstand.

He starts gently at first, just tracing elegant little swirls across my abdomen and stomach.

"Please Bray. Don't cut me please." I beg and whimper.

"I love you." He sighs as he presses in, just a little to draw blood.

I flinch at the sharp pain.

He applies more pressure and begins to cut into the traces.

I grasp the sheets and whimper loudly.


Why would my love do this.


He holds my shoulders down and continues.

"Bray please stop." I beg.

"It's already begun, darling." He insists gently.

He dabs the bleeding cuts with the blankets.

Tears stream out of my eyes as I whine.

"There darling. That's all." He whispers, dabbing it again.

"Bray... Why.." I whimper.

"Shh. I love you." He shushes, taking me into his arms.

I cry into his chest.

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