Twenty-Seven: Last Day

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"It's the last day." Elton said, as we all sat in the main part of the motor home. "Yay." I said, clapping happily. "Why are you happy? Do you not like these trips?" Elton asked. "I mean, awe. I'm so bumbed." I corrected.

We were filming later tonight, but for now we were all chilling, doing our own thing. Colby and I were at the top part at the front of the motor home, cuddling and talking.

"You ready to be home?" Colby asked, as I was laying on him and his arms were wrapped around my waist. "Yeah." I nodded. Tomorrow morning we were flying home.

"I'm so ready to be alone with you." He whispered in my ear. I blushed at the comment knowing exactly what he meant. "What do you want for you're birthday?" He asked, reminding me that it was in a couple days. "I don't know. I haven't thought about it." I said in all honesty. "Better get to thinking. I don't wanna come up empty handed. Gotta make sure I get you the best gift you've ever been given." He said making me giggle. "It's gonna be hard topping the promise ring." I said.

"I have my ways." He said, dipping his head into the crook of my neck and kissing it lightly. I closed my eyes, letting my head rest on his shoulder. Our moment went quiet, but I felt someone grab my foot ruining it.

I screeched and shot up, hitting my head on the roof. "Ow." I groaned sitting back on colby. He just laughed. "You okay, baby?" He asked. I looked down to see a smirking Elton. "You dickwad." I said, kicking my foot at his face. I missed but he grabbed it. "Hold her down." Elton yelled. "Dont you dare." I said, but before I knew Colby's arms wrapped around my torso and held my arms down. He wrapped his legs around my thighs, holding my legs down. I screamed as Elton started tickling my feet.

"Elton!" I screamed as he wouldn't stop. I tried to get out of Colby's grasp but he was a lot stronger than me. His laughs filled the space along with Elton's. I felt tears streaming down my face. "Let go." I screamed out through fits of giggles and loud ear wrenching laughs.

My mind all of a sudden went blank and I went back to when I was with mark and all the times he would hold me down. "Guys." I yelled, starting to freak out. "Stop." I said as I started to shake. I let out a final scream and Colby immediately released his grip and held his hand out to Elton, signalling for him to stop. I sat up and sat at the edge.

"Aria." Elton said, standing in front of me. "Baby, I'm sorry." Colby said. By now everyone was watching the scene unfold. I jumped down off the bunk and walked out of the door. I walked around the motor home and sat down on the ground.

Tears streamed down my face as I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my arms around them. I heard the door open then close, and footsteps walking in my direction. "Aria, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it to turn out that way." Colby said, crouching down in front of me. "Why am I still having those moments?" I asked, my voice breaking. "You were tortured for months. Broken down. Its okay to feel like this. It's okay to not be okay." He said, putting his hand on my hand and holding it. "I just want it to stop." I cried out.

"I know." He said, moving to sit next to me. "I want it to stop too. I don't want you to worry, I don't want you to have anxiety. I want you to be able to experience things without the memories or thoughts." He said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me against his side.

"When you told me what mark had done, I felt so many emotions. I was sad, angry, shocked. I only got the story and it hit me like a ton of bricks. You actually went through it. Aria, I mean it when I say you are the strongest woman I know. You've been through so much, yet that isn't your main focus. You live in the moment. Sometimes your just set back by past events. It's okay, don't ever be sorry for stopping me from doing something I want to. I understand, it can be hard." He said. He moved so that he was once again in front of me, but he was on his knees. He held the sides of my head.

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