Thirty-Three: Release Day

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My eyes fluttered open and a smile plastered over my face as I realised what today was. I jumped up and stood over Colby. I jumped up and down, careful not to step on him. "Get up, get up." I shouted excitedly, in which Colby groaned.

"Come on." I said, grabbing his arms. "Too early." He mumbled, his eyebrows furrowed as the light might have been too bright.

"Come on, we have to go over to Sam's. Time to celebrate." I said, jumping off the bed.

I skipped to the living room and into the kitchen. I hadn't let him listen to it, because I was planning on blasting it through out the apartment on the release date. I hooked my phone up to one of our speakers and turned it up. I danced and he came in. "You can take you're pretty flowers and burn em up." I sang jumping around. Colby came over with a smile, and I danced around him using the remote as a fake mic. "But I want love and I know it ain't love." I sang. He laughed and I grabbed his hand. He twirled me around and I jumped around more.

The song stopped and he stood there amazed. "What do you think?" I asked, catching my breathe. "Wow." He said. "I like it." He smiled. "I told you, you would." I smiled.

"Now, go get ready. I'm gonna make breakfast." I said, going into the kitchen. "Hey, not so fast. I didn't get a good morning kiss." He said, grabbing my and pulling me against him. I smiled and leaned up to meet his lips.

The kiss was short but sweet. He retreated back to our room, and I turned around. I continued to blast music through the speaker. I danced to a song YUNGBLUD song called 11 minutes ft Halsey.

I grabbed eggs, bacon, popped some biscuits in the oven. Heated up some left over gravy and made toast. I felt hands come around my waist, pulling me against a hard chest. I turned the oven off, and pushed Colby away. I pulled out the biscuits and saw him sneaking some bacon. "Hey, out out out." I said, hitting him with a hand towel.

He went around the island and sat in a chair watching me. I finished up and turned the stove off. I made my plate then Colby's. I handed him his and he started eating. I sat down next to him and he placed a hand on my thigh. "Literal wifey material, thank you baby." He said kissing my cheek. I felt them heat up and started eating.

We finished eating and Colby told me he would take care of the dishes so I could get ready.

I quickly hopped in the shower. When I got out I dried my hair, pulled it up into a bun and started on my makeup.

I got done in about ten or 15 minutes. It never takes me long, just simple light concealer, setting powder, liquid liner and mascara.

I changed into a cute outfit. We were all going to go out tonight and celebrate.

I walked out of our room and Colby turned around

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I walked out of our room and Colby turned around. He looked away but then his eyes looked over to me again. They racked over my body and he bit his lip. "Damn," I heard him mutter under his breathe. I smiled lightly, feeling my cheeks heat up.

He walked over to me, then ran his hands up and down my waist. His hands made their way around my waist and found their way to my ass. He squeezed it lightly and I bit my lip. "Your so fucking beautiful, baby." He said softly, his voice seemed like it went a few octaves lower sending shivers down my spine.

"You don't look too bad your self, Mr. Brock." I said, taking the time to take in his appearance too.

I bit my lip as my eyes trailed back up to his

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I bit my lip as my eyes trailed back up to his. "We should probably go." I breathed out, trying to control myself. I could pounce on him any second if we were alone any longer.

I heard him growl slightly. Fuck, that was hot. "Yeah, you're probably right." He muttered. We walked out of the apartment and across the Hall to Sam's.

We walked in and everyone was here. "There she is!" Kevin yelled. My face immediately lit up. "Hey." I said as he hugged me.

"Let's get this party started." I yelled as I held up the bottle of whiskey we brought.

"Yeah!" Everyone yelled. I made my way through the apartment and over to kat. "Hey girl." She greeted, hugging me. "You ready for tonight?' She asked. "So ready." I smiled.

We spent 30 minutes at Sam's, then we headed out to a club.

We walked into the place and the smell of alcohol filled my lungs. This was going to be a crazy night, I can feel it.

Sam and Colby went to go get drinks, while me, Kat and the rest of he group went up to the VIP section and sat down.

"We brought alcohol." Sam said, coming up with a tray and Colby followed him also with a tray of shots.

"Shots for everyone." Colby said, sitting it down. He handed me mine and everyone grabbed it. "To the beginning of a new chapter." Kat said. "I want to say something." I said, standing up and holding my shot glass.

"With the craziness that is my life, I couldn't possibly thank everyone that's here enough for what they've done. The boys welcomed me into their home, gave me a roof over my head and food to eat. I don't know where I would be at this moment if it weren't for you guys. I want to thank Sam, Aaron, Corey, devyn, and of course Colby for giving me such high hopes for the future. Thanks to guys, it's bright. "Kat and I have known each other for a while, and I'm happy to say she's the one by my side during the kick start of my career. You are my best friend and I couldn't name a better partner for this project. So, with all that being said. Cheers, to a new beginning." I said, holding my glass up. I clinked it with Kats, and Colby's glass. I took it and it burned my throat on the way down.

"Wooh." I yelled. Colby's hands found my waist as he was talking with Sam and Jake.

"Hey, let's go dance." He said to me. I took his hand and we walked to the dance floor.

We walked to the crowd and we started dancing. His hands were on my waist, trailing up and down as he was pressed against my back. My arms were up and my hands were in his hair. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment.

I could stay here forever with Colby.

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