Chapter nine

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Abbys pov
"Hayes... Look down" he looked down and blushed really bad. I just laughed CUZ it was honestly funny as hell.
"Can we just go inside." He said trying to cover himself. He was still blushing. Tbh I'm not mad that he kissed me but it was just really unexpected. As well as his Boner.😂 we were inside and he ran up to my house room. I texted him.
A- that was really funny... Tbh 😂😂😂
H-no it wasn't im embarrassed😑 seriously thoe is it bad...?
A-it was but I'm not a guy I don't have a dick, you should know how to deal with it 😁
He came down the stairs and smiled while blushing. He sat down next to me.
"Abby, I know you like josh and all, but in this past week I've messed up pretty bad. Even thoe where still best friends, I would like to be more. And josh told me that you and him... Well Ya know and I was wondering if we could like, be just friends... I mean, unless you wanna be more than friends..." He trailed off smiling and scratching the back of his neck.
"Hayes, I want tobe more than friends but it's hard to like someone that has a twin because honestly. Most of the time I can't tell you two apart. You have the same hair, the same height, the same cute smile, the same beautiful i full blue eyes that make me melt... WAIT DID I JUST SAY THAT!!!!!!" I said covering my mouth. Hayes just stared at me. Wow I messed up.
"Abby, I know it's hard to pick and choose but all I want is for you to be happy," he said which made me smile.
Hayes pov
All those things she said made me happy. And I understand that she finds me attractive and she loves me but she likes josh I giess. He likes her too. And I love her but she does have to choose sooner or later.
"Let's go start the movies, I'll go get the popcorn and stuff so you can just press play." She said. She came back with two paper brown bags with our food and stuff in it. I thanked her and she blushed. YESSS!!! I mentally high fives myself.
"So which one first, white chicks, then she's the man." She said I nodded and pressed play to the movie. After about 20 minutes into the movie. Abby laughed which made me laugh. I wasn't really paying attention to the movie, all my attention was on Abby. How she was coverd with the blanket and her hair was in a messy bun and she was wereing her fluffy grinch pants. And she was wearing he Davidson day hoodie. She's just so perfect.
" what?" She said making me turn back to reality.
"Oh nothing, just thought of something..." I said looking down. She just shrugged her shoulders and went back watching the movie.
(The last movie, silent hill)
I can tell Abby is tired CUZ she cuddled up into the corner of the couch.
"Abby aren't you tired?"
"Yes, but I wanna finish watching this movie. It's my favorite scary movie. You should know this" she's right I should. Lmao
"Okay well you do that, do you want anything I'm gonna get my toothbrush and toothpaste from my bag, need yours too?"
She just nodded CUZ she's as so focused on the movie. Idk how she can watch that without even flinching. I got up and. Grabbed me and abbys toothpaste and toothbrushes. I walked downstairs to see Abby taking up the whole couch. I shook her and she mumbled something that sounded like... Bacon? But I gave her the stuff and she walked to the bathroom. I noticed when she was brushing her teeth, her eyes kept slowly closing and opening. I giggled.
"What's so funny?" She said still half asleep.
"Your eyes" she smiled and she rinsed her mouth. I stoped her and I asked her something.
"WANNA pull an all nighter."
"I'll try, but I need something to wake me up... Like we could do challenges... And idk we already watched a bunch of movies."
Alright, we can do challenges.
"I'll get the first challenge ready, you go get blind folded" she did and when I was done I walked in with a bucket of ice and water.
"Ok take it off." She looked up and death glared me. I laughed and she smiled.
"Fine, but you have to do it too." Then I death glares her. I sta down next to her.
"Well what are you waiting for!.?!?"
"You..." It slipped out
"No you go first, pleeeeeeeeaaasssse" she begged and I gave in.
I du k d my head into the bucket and pulled it out really quick,
"WOOOOOOUUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHHHH" I screamed jumping around.
"Ok my turn..." She dunked her head in it and came out with her eyes and nose squished.
"Danm that was. Old..." She said quietly. I laughed and she looked and me with a Horton hears a who look... Idek😂 but then her hair was messed up and she said she was gonna fix it. I nodded and followed her up to her room. She walked in there and she untied her hair and let it fall. It was getting hotter and hotter till she saw me staring at her.
"Hayes, why do you keep staring at me? Do I have something on my face."
"Your face is beautiful." I said looking down. But when I looked up she was in the floor passed out.

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