She takes another look around to see if it is true and it was real. she could not believe it what she was seeing. She thought is this home or am I really lost.
"Helllllo"she screamed
she tried to look around to see if anything was floating. Not a thing she found. deathly afraid she tried to calm down it did not help her she just thought about it more. as she tries to swim to find at least somewhere to sit. she has paddled and paddled for about a day. as she hoped she got close she swam down seeing if she was close to land if it was shallow enough. It was not shallow but she could touch. On the way up she nearly lost her breath she thought that was it. But as she was coming up she saw what she had hoped to see. Was it she thought she saw one dolphin. as she paddled closer getting a better sight on them as she got close enough the dolphin came right to her. She tried as if to get them closer so that she could try to get on one. she tried hopped on the dolphin. The dolphin was not liking it so it spun to get her off. She fell off and swam away. The dolphin followed her as she moved. she just kept swimming. The dolphins still came close behind her. She turned around again the dolphin came right to her. She tried to get on the dolphin again it let her this time. As the dolphin swam she thought that she would name it because it helped her. Avery thought for a minute and looked underneath the dolphin and saw that it was a girl. she thought for about five minutes and then thought of the perfect name.
"I'll name you Magna"Avery said.
The dolphin let out a squeak. Avery thought that it was a good squeak so that is a yes.