Chapter 3: I Need To Leave

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The next day, Moxy visits Lucky Bat as his place for a conversation.

"Moxy! Thanks for accepting my random yet urgent invitation. How are things?" Lucky Bat asked.

"Well... Every day I think, today's the day. And then it isn't. And that's fine, it is, but... Look, I've always believed the Big World is real. I know I'll find the perfect kid for me. But lately I'm starting to wonder with no evidence, no proof, what if it's not true?" Moxy asked as she explains.

"Hmm." Lucky Bat said.

Lucky Bat takes out a fortune cookie, opens it and reads the paper.

"Find your own truth... 6, 9, 25, 18, 36, 41." Lucky Bat said.

"Whoa. This is why you're the wisest doll in town. You're so right. I have to believe in myself." Moxy said.

"Uh... sure." Lucky Bat said.

"So how do I do that? Specifically?" Moxy asked.

"Uh, well, a wiser doll than me would say you should stop listening to what others tell you. But all I have to offer you now is some... Satisfaction Guaran-tea." Lucky Bat explained.

"Oh! You want to read my tea leaves! Of course!" Moxy said and drinks up her tea.

"Um, you know, reading tea leaves is not... it's not really my thing. But I can tell you that your forehead looks nice and bright. And that's good luck. So, take that good luck and believe in yourself from the comfort of your own home." Lucky Bat explained.

Moxy gives Lucky Bat to look at the tea leaves inside.

"What do you see?" Moxy asked in whisper.

"Uh... You..." Lucky Bat stuttered.

"You? Oh! You mean me. It's not what you see, but what I see." Moxy said.

Lucky Bat gives Moxy her cup back and she sees it instead.

"Hmm... I see leaves. Leaves! I need to leave! All this time I've been waiting for my kid to find me, but I should find my kid!" Moxy shouted happily as she runs to the doors.

"Wait, what? That's not what I was saying at all!" Lucky Bat said.

"Thank you so much, Lucky! You're so wise. So wise!" Moxy shouted happily.

"Well, I'm just lucky..." Lucky Bat said.

"Come on!" Moxy shouted as she interrupts Lucky Bat by grabbing his wing and runs off.

Moxy runs off to get the others while grabbing on to Lucky Bat's wing to drag him along.

"Moxy, I think you may have misinterpreted the spirit of what I was trying to..." Lucky Bat said.

Moxy and Lucky Bat runs off to get the others. Ugly Dog was playing with the DJ record.

"Ugly Dog, let's go!" Moxy shouted as she runs.

"Yeah! I know that look. Wait up!" Ugly Dog shouted as he catches up.

"Yes, let's wait up!" Lucky Bat said.

Babo was getting on the ladder for more paint work until Moxy runs up to him.

"Babo! Lucky Bat has a great new idea." Moxy said to Babo.

"No, no..." Lucky Bat said.

"We're gonna make our dreams come true!" Moxy said and runs.

"I'm always geared up for dreams." Babo said.

"Or nightmares!" Lucky Bat shouted.

Babo puts away the ladder in his pocket. Moxy runs up to bakery to get Wade.

"Wage! Today's the day!" Moxy shouted happily.

"But, Moxy!" Wage said.

"Come on!" Moxy shouted and runs.

"Here we go again." Wade said.

"Can't we just hit pause real quick?" Lucky Bat asked.

"Oh! Hello, Moxy. Looks like you're all having a good time." Ox said as he sees Moxy.

"Oh, loads of fun. Lucky Bat made everything crystal clear." Moxy said and continues running.

"Hey, Lucky! Attabat!" Ox shouted happily.

Lucky Bat was scared as he was still dragging along by Moxy and the others run off with them as well

"We're gonna make our dreams come true! Wait!" Moxy shouted.

Moxy stops running and the others did the same too.

"You guys stay here. I'm going to get Dawn. She might come with us too, I'll be right back." Moxy said to the others.

Moxy runs around the town to find Dawn, which Dawn was in her outfit, drinking a cup of coffee from the shop. Moxy looks around until she finally found Dawn, she runs up to talk to her.

"Hey, Dawn!" Moxy shouted as she runs up.

"Good morning, Moxy. How are you?" Dawn asked.

"Pretty good. I just had a plan to do today." Moxy said.

"What is it?" Dawn asked as she continues drinking her coffee.

"Lucky Bat gave me an idea. We are going to leave the town to go to the Big World." Moxy said.

Dawn was shocked of what she heard from Moxy, she took a swallow of coffee in her mouth and look down worriedly. Moxy looks at her to realize her feelings.

"Are you okay?" Moxy asked.

"Me? Oh, I'm fine. Nothing to worried about. You want me to come? If you don't mind." Dawn said.

"No, not at all. Come on!" Moxy shouted as she runs off.

Dawn finished her coffee and she follows along to get to the others.

"Hey, guys! Dawn is coming with us!" Moxy shouted to the others.

"Cool." Ugly Dog said.

"Nice." Babo said.

"Let's get going!" Moxy shouted.

All of them goes off running to start off their adventure.

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