A New Home

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As Shadow rode on Commander Sky's back he tried to ask a question, "Sky?" Commander Sky looked at him as if he didn't like the name sky, "ITS COMMANDER SKY TO YOU!" Shadow drew back a bit but still insisted on asking his question. "Commander Sky, what happened to my home?" Without looking back towards Shadow, Commander Sky responded, "It was the devious Pure Knight." Shadow became confused; he remembered his mother telling him the Black Knight was evil and the Pure Knight will return and save the land from him. "I thought the Black Knight was the evil one. My mom said..." Before letting Shadow continue,  Commander Sky interjected, "The Pure Knight is to be feared, not The Black Knight. If you judge them by their names you are mistaken. The Pure Knight is a devious and terrible threat! She swore that she will take over Equestria and that she will shroud the land with her darkness. The Black Knight tried to stop her with no prevail but he will rise and save Equestria."Before Shadow could respond, they arrived at a fortress in the sky. "Your room is on the second floor, thrid door to the left. Goodnight training will start tommorow." Without another word or glance Commander Sky flew away and left Shadow alone. "Well he was very specific..." Shodow headed up the stairs and walked to his instructed door. There were no windows no decorations; just a mat on the floor and a uniform. "Well Shadow... I guess this is your new home. *Sigh*" Shadow layed on the mat and fell asleep. 

*Author's note*

Sorry if this chapter is choppy, but i didn't want to go into big detail. Also i wanted to keep Commander Sky at a serious noncaring type. So yeah it'll get better as i go on. Don't know who the Pure Knight is? Well that was the point.

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