One Shots • 1

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—Y/N's POV
Saturday. 4 am and I'm here at my bed. Thinking about stuffs. And it's raining so bad. Loud thunderstorms can be heard. What the hell am I gonna do?

I thought for some things later on and after that, my hungry stomach growled. Aish.

I got out of my bed and went to the kitchen to find something to eat.

"I didn't even went to the grocery. What am I gonna eat now?", I asked myself and sighed.

Then suddenly, my phone ringed.

"Yeoboseoyo?", I asked tiredly.

"Y/N?", I heard a voice asked. It's Nayeon.

"Hmm? What is it granny?", I said.

"Can I- go to your place? I need someone to accompany me. I'm alone here. I'm- scared..", she replied.

I lightly chuckled. This bunny is really cute.

"Sure sure. And Nayeon-", I cutted off.

"Yeah?", she asked.

"Can you bring foods too? I didn't bought some...", I requested shyly.

"Okay. I will. I'll be there in 7 minutes...", she said.

"Yes yes. Okay. Thanks. Umm bye..", I stated and she ended the call.

Nayeon. She's that type of girl when you needed something, she'll really do it for you. She's really kind and affectionate. She's one of a girlfriend material. Everyone needs someone like Nayeon to be honest.

And then I waited for her. So many minutes passed by and my doorbelled rang.

I opened the door and saw her. She's really freezing as hell.

"Hey bunny-ah, you're freezing cold..", I said and wiped her face with my towel.

"I should be the one to go at your place not you. Look at you, you're now freezing because of the cold wind outside. My poor bunny..", I worriedly said.

"Ah. Ani Y/N-ah. I'm fine...its just that- it's really cold.", she replied and flashed me her smile.


"You're really adorable bunny-ah.", I complimented and she lightly punched my arm.

"Stop with being flirty..just help me get rinse..", she said and I just chuckled.

I gave her a big towel to rinse herself and make her change her clothes.

I waited for her to finish and saw her come downstairs.

Those shirt and shorts really fit her-

"Y/N! Do I look great?", she asked.

"Oh. Umm- yeah. Actually, you're too sexy in that..", I mumbled the last part.

"Am I too sexy here?", she asked again and I got shocked.

She heard it?! Omo! Y/N, you pabo!

I could feel my cheeks burning and she went to me.

She cupped my cheeks and looked deeply on my eyes.

"Y/N-ah, answer me truthfully okay?", she said and I nodded slowly.

"Do you like me?", she asked in a low tone.

How should I answer her?

"Uh- I....", I didn't let my sentence finish.

I looked back at her and I can feel electricity going on my stomach.

"I need to confess to you Y/N. I like you..", she said.

She like me?

I only looked at her. Clueless and confused.

"Y/N, I liked you ever since that time when you and Sana broke up..", she continued.

"But what about Jeongyeon? I thought you like her..", I said.

"Jeongyeon? Are you curious why I'm always with her?", she asked and I nodded.

"Well me and Jeongyeon aren't a thing anymore. Yes we did became together. But just in a short period of time because she knew that I liked you more..I liked you more than her Y/N.", she said.

All this time she liked me?

"So Y/N, would you accept me to be yours? Only yours?", she pleaded.

"Nayeon, I need to be honest with you too..", I stated.

She uncupped my cheeks and then leaned on the crook of my neck.

"I liked you too. No- I loved you...", I confessed and she kissed me.

This ain't a dream right?

"So I've heard the answer I needed to hear..L/N Y/N, I will never let you go. In all coast..I'll protect and love you.", she said and I smiled.

"I love you bunny-ah.", I stated.

"I love you too Y/N-ah.", she replied.

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