Chapter 5

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Its my birthday so here's some art and a chapter

(Y/n)'s pov

I arrived at Natsu's small house as he entered. I dropped my bags and tumbled onto the couch. Once I had done that, I finally had a look around. The place was a mess.

There was dirty dishes everywhere, clothes thrown about and furniture jutting out."Wow. Your place is definitely.........Unique" I state, my tail curling up behind me. I took a step forward only to slip on some fabric and fall onto my back. I groaned, pushing myself up to sit and stretching my wings which had gotten cramped from the fall.

"Y/n are you alright?" Natsu asks, offering me his hand. I took it, getting back onto my feet. "Ok. I'm cleaning up. I really can't deal with this" I explain. Before Natsu could say anything, I was picking stuff up and putting it back where it should be.

It took me about 30 minutes but I finally finished. When finished, I sat down on the couch, curling my tail around my waist. "Wow. That's a lot better" Happy states. landing on the small table.

Natsu sits next to me, pulling on the scaly scarf he wore. "Other than the mess, this place is nice. Its cosy and very secluded" I complement, looking over at the tree that went through the house. "Yeah. We've been here for years" Natsu agreed.

I give him a smile. He returns with that same toothy grin he always had. "You really haven't changed that much since we were younger" I laugh. He gives me a confused look. I sigh.

"So whoever attacked you. Do you know why?" he asks. I bite my lip. "No" I lie. I didn't want him getting involved in this. I couldn't just hand myself over to that guy but he was the only one who knew how to break the curse. I knew I was going to die and I had accepted it at this point.

"Oh" Natsu mumbles. We don't really talk about anything for the rest of the night. The most we do is have some dinner before going to sleep.

The dragon's curse (A Natsu Dragneel x Reader Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now