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***Jina's POV***

R: I told you to be careful!

As of the moment, I'm keeping my head down and clasping my hands together.

M: Don't scold her, Rina... You're also at fault too.

R: How come this is my fault too?!

M: You said you'll protect her, but how could you let this happen?

R: I tried to stop her, but you know her... She's too stubborn.

My sisters are arguing, and I'm the reason again.

I covered my face with my hands, wanting to cry for making my sisters like this.

I hate it when this happens.

J: Stop it, you two... it's just an accident.

Oh no, I forgot how sensitive they are.

R: Just an accident? You were hurt!

M: An accident that could have been prevented, if only...

Now I've done it, I just made the situation worse.

R: I tried, but she didn't listen... What more do you want me to do?

M: You could have prevented it, you were there!

R: Don't turn this back on me! This would never happen if she just listened!

I deeply sighed and pouted, wanting to stop their argument.

J: I know... I'm sorry. But really, Rin-Rin and Min-Min... I'm okay.

M: You're our baby sister... We love you, that's why we're concerned.

R: We don't want you to get hurt... Just PLEASE listen to us, Ji-Ji.

I stood up from my bedside and walked across the room.

I want to stop them from worrying too much.

It's just an accident (not too big though).

J: But, I was just trying to cook dinner for us... You're both being overdramatic.

Yes, it's just a cooking issue... My sisters are both "drama queens".

I just cut myself while preparing our food and it didn't bleed too much anyway.

R: Leave the cooking to us.

J: I want to help! Please, Min-Min..?

M: That won't do, you already got hurt.

J: But...

I stopped walking and slumped on the floor.

R: No buts. Mina will do the cooking. End of discussion.

M: We don't want you to get hurt again.

I sighed and walked over to my makeup vanity.

M: Don't be sad, Jina... I'll teach you how to cook next time, okay?

I looked up and stared at our reflection through the mirror.

J: Okay...

By the way, I should confess something about me and my sisters.

The truth is, I'm only looking at myself right now.

No Mina and Rina on sight... Why?

I and my "sisters" are sharing one body.

You could say that I have a DID or what do they call Dissociative Identity Disorder.

I am fully aware of my sickness and I could talk with my other 'personalities'.

Well, no one wanted me when my parents died in a car accident.

Since then, these 'personalities' are my "sisters".

They are the only family I have left.

Without them, I'm sure that I wouldn't survive on my own.

They're not just my "sisters".

They are my everything.

Mina or Min-Min is like a mother to me, as she always takes care of me and Rina.

She doesn't like messes, so she always cleans our house spotless.

Don't even dare to make a mess in front of her, or else you'll regret that you ever lived.

But, whenever she 'comes out'; she likes to drink A LOT and loves to party ALL NIGHT.

She is not the typical "occasional drinker"; she's making the occasion to have a drink.

You wouldn't want to be with her when she's drunk.

There's a reason behind it, and it will be revealed in time.

The overprotective Rina or Rin-Rin is playing the role of my brother and father figure too.

She's boyish, totally different from the alluring Mina.

She's our family protector, automatically comes out every time she sees blood or if any one of us got hurt.

That's why she always gets into a fight that can only be stopped if she or her opponent/s blacked out.

She's a martial arts prodigy anyway; she learned it on her own for our sake.

She also loves to work out A LOT, so the gym is her favorite place to hang out.

She does drink, but only if she's stressed out or depressed with something.

As you can tell with how I describe them, we don't have a schedule of "coming out" or who will be in control for the meantime.

Both of them may come out due to certain triggers, and then take over my body.

But if you are thinking that they would want my body for themselves, they don't.

They may come out more frequently than me, but it's my fault.

As they always tell me, I'm too clumsy and naïve for my good.

They are always on the lookout when it comes to me.

I love them and they love me.

If curing me means losing them, I'd prefer to be sick until the day I die.

I can't be whole without them.

We are ONE.

We are the "Lee Sisters".

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