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***Jina's POV***

Here we go again...

R: Calm down? I'm just starting, and you're ruining it already!

Rin-Rin is upset with Min-Min about something, but I don't know what.

M: How would I know they were celebrities?

Min-Min, just please apologize to RinRin already...

R: How many times I've been telling you to be careful with your 'partying'!

This is why I hate parties.

M: We're in a club! Having fun! What do you expect us to do? Just drink and go?

Please... This is making my head hurt.

R: Don't you even think how would others see us, Jina and me, because of your 'partying'?

J: Um... Rin-Rin, I think it's okay.

R: No! You don't understand, Jinnie... This is a big deal.

M: Hey! She's not part of this... It's me that you have a problem with!

R: She may not understand how you messed this up, but she's part of this and will always be. Have you forgotten already? We are just sharing one body!

I don't know what to say anymore.

M: She doesn't need to know.

They won't even listen to me anyway.

R: Oh, you still want to be the little goody-two-shoes sister? You should have thought of that before you do these kinds of things!

It has always been like this, they have been keeping secrets from me.

M: I'm not! This is not her concern; she's too innocent to handle these things.

I'm always out of the loop.

I've had enough of this, I'm out.

R: She's not a kid anymore! At least be honest with her, so she won't be surprised by the consequences! This is a good job offer, and it may be gone in an instant because of you!

M: I know, she's still the main host... But, you have to believe me. I didn't know they were hotshots... Jinnie, are you still there? ...Jinnie? ...Baby?

R: She may have gone off a while ago... Let's handle this as adults; we can't keep Jinnie from any of this anymore... She should know, we have to be honest with her.

M: Okay, I'll stop 'partying' for a while... Just let me be the one to tell her.

R: It's a good thing that the picture is unclear, and hopefully this won't be investigated further... I'll try my best to cover this up... I'll do my part, please do yours.

M: I'm sorry, Rina... Thank you for always protecting us.

R: I can't be mad at you for too long... I'll always be here for you both.

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