CHAPTER 4: Go to France !

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Kath's POV
I woke up early this morning despite my flight to France at 12pm. Oh, as usual when I wake up from my sleep, I will check my phone. And yeah, "message from Love James 😍"

Awwwhhh !! My love J messages me ! 🥰 I replied his message

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Awwwhhh !! My love J messages me ! 🥰
I replied his message. "Miss you too bby J".

I started preparing myself and all the stuff I was packing last night

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I started preparing myself and all the stuff I was packing last night. Oh yah! Passport! This,  don't forget, if it doesn't ruin my hope.

(*car hon*)

Quickly, I looked out and it seemed Sue and Julia were in front of the house to send me to the airport.

"KATHRYNNNN WE ARE COMINGGGG !!", they were both yelling in front of my house.

"Yayayaaaa....wait I'm coming", I pulled the luggage out of the house quickly. Then my luggage fell and hit my leg. "OUCHH !"

"Kathhhh ! What wrong with you ? Be careful girl. Relax...chill...Paris won't run away", said Julia and help me put stuff in the car.

I lock all the doors and fences for safety before moving to the airport. I check all things before I go. Don't want to miss anything. Lol.

"Everything you bring ? No miss anything ? Or you miss your heart ?", said Sue while doing love sign to me.

"Aye ! Of course I bring my heart. Cuz my heart is only for James Reid my fiance. HAHAHAHA".

"Okay here we gooooo !!!".

*At the airport*

Sue's POV

Arriving at the airport, Julia and I took Kath's luggage out of the car. The two of us didn't know what to expect when she decided to go there alone without the two of us. Usually the three of us would go anywhere together if her fiancée are not here. At first it seemed like a lot , but when we thought about it, yes she did all this for her and James. So, neither of us have the right to intervene and just expect them to be happy.

"Kath, however, I hope you get there safely. If anything happens, let us know okay", I shook her hands and hugged her tightly.

"Kath, take care when you are there. Hope all your anniversary plans go well. No boysss haa", still annoying Jue.

"Okay okayyy. I promise ! Thankyou for sending me here and always support me whatever I'm doing. Really appreciate it. You guys are my lovely BFF", we hugged together.

"'ll be late, Kath", I'm reminded of her cuz I don't want to be too dramatic at here .

"Oh god ! Okay thankyou so much. Byeeee later I'll text you guys !", Kath waved to us.

Kath's POV

(Love James is calling...)

"Hello love"

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"Hello love"

"Hello love, why you late to pickup my call ? Are you busy ?", he answered me but his sounds like worried and uneasy.

"Oh, I'm at supermarket. Sorry bby ko. So anything you wanna tell me ?". Oh shit, I don't want he know I'm at airport wanna go to France. Fuh !

"Yup ! Actually today I start my first meeting at here. Feel nervous right now haih.."

"Oh ya ? Good luck love. No need to feel nervous okay. Just remember me hehee. I know you can. Go bby goooo !!".

"Hahah..thanks love. That's why I'm calling you first cuz you always wanna make me feel happy and feel comfortable".

" problem my love. Same as you. You always make me feel happy and comfortable also I feel safe when I'm with you. Even now you're not here with me but I feel you beside me right now", I'm trying to control myself from starting to feel sad.

"Okay love. Later I'll call you back. Cuz my meeting with them will start in a few minutes. Love you".

"Love you more".

I try to make him happy and don't want him feel nervous cuz I know he can do that. He's smart, brilliant, intelligent, clever, handsome also. Haih, my James I think you are in 1 in million. No wonder many girls like you cuz you are. I'm a lucky woman cuz he choose me to be his fiancee right now and probably will be his wife as soon as possible ? But he should to be a lucky man cuz he's my first love.

Now I'm in airplane just sit on economy seat. Wears earphone and play a music cuz I love music especially reggaeton and balada. Yah I'm alone. What I want just arrived at France safely as soon as possible. That's all. It's 18HOURS ! Oh goddd !

*after 1 hours later*

I'm starting to feel sleepy. (James always said I'm sleepyhead erghh). I brought a James sweater and I smells his scent on his sweater. So I can wear it and lose a little miss to him before I meet him later.

Thankyou to those who are read this chapter 4. Sorry if not perfect but I'll try best for create this story until the end. -21st Sept 2019

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