Evil like me

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Ben's POV

Everyone was waiting for the next song. Ok so when the core four go to Auredon they go to the museum and see the hall of vilans while there no Mal starts singing you'll see what happens next "Roxy told us.

Look at you, look at me
I don't know who to be

Is it wrong, is it right?
Be a thief in the night

Mal are you having second thoughts " I asked looking at her in the eye.
I don't know looks like I am "She said looking down a little embarrassed, I give her a soft smile.
Its ok to doubt yourself my little evilkette " Maleficent said glaring at me for who knows what.

Tell me what to do
You must do exactly what I tell you "Maleficent said while us Auredonians rolled our eyes
No she doesn't have to listen to you " Mom yelled, While she and Maleficent were having a stare off I swear if looks could kill my mom would be 6 feet under.
Oh please she has a right to choose what she wants she can be whoever she wants " Hades yelled at Maleficent , Everyone turned to him with shocked expressions .
Who are you to tell me how to rase my daughter "Maleficent yelled back while Mal tensed I looked at her she noticed me starring and quickly looked away trying to hide her blush to bad I saw it.
Thats no way to rase a child, you should be proud of her singing talent " Yelled a very angry Hades . Everyone looked at him again this time with expressed looks how can he talk to her like that he's got guts  I thought.
Singing is for goody to shoes "Maleficent yelled trying to stand up but being pulled by the force she sat down and huffed in frustration.
Well it doesn't have to be but even if she wanted to be good you must support her " Hades stood up but the force didn't pull him everyone looked at Roxy ,She just smiled.
The force will desapear if you have good intentions "She just said like in a duh tone.
Ok so let's carry on " Mal said in a shy voice I think she was scared of her mom's next insult or even Hades.

I was once like you my child
Ahh everyone screamed except for Roxy and Maleficent even the pirates screamed Mal turned to me she looked just about to cry .
Ok everyone. chill Mal's Just helusinating  "Roxy laughed while we all sighed in relief.
How were you anything like her she's clearly good and more talented than " Hades said. We all laughed even Mal , Mal looked at Hades and mouthed thank you . Mom saw it and stood up the force let her go through she went to me and whispered in my ear "I think you made the right choice son and I think some vilans also deserve a chance " She said looking at Hades. I smiled and agreed with her she went back to her seat .

Slightly insecure
Argued with my mother too
Thought I was mature
But I put my heart aside

Audrey scoffed " Didn't know you even had one "She said. The hole thetre burst into laughter at her comment.
You better watch what you say little girl before you turn out like your mom the only diffidence you won't be woken up by true Love's kiss cause who would even be your true love "Maleficent said anger dripping through every word.
Mother don't leave her alone I actually agree with her cause if you had a heart you would have been a better parent " Mal yelled standing up but the force didn't let her through her eyes turned so as Maleficent eyes , everyone watched the two as they had a stare off.
The strength of evil is good as none when strands before four hearts as one "Mal yelled while looking at Evie,Jay and Carlos then they all nodded and Maleficent lost the stare off very angry. Everyone except for Maleficent, Crucella , Evil queen and a laughing Jafar. Mal stood up carefully this let through by the barrier she went to the stage while everyone looked at her.
Look I'm sorry for everything my mom did in her behalf Even though she's not sorry I am and if I do take the wand I'm sorry Eben though you won't remember " She said while smiling she walked down to her seat. Everyone else were shocked Hades stood up and went to Mal I could here their conversation since I sit next to her.
Your mom might not be proud of you but I am "Hades whispered. Then they hugged and he sat back down .
Ok let's all carry on " Roxy smiled at them.

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