chapter 1

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Aizawa was finally allowed out he left the hospital and was standing by the entrance looking outside the doors, the other man had come to get Aizawa for him to stay with, as Aizawa wasn't allowed to live alone due to his mental health. The other man hugged Aizawa in a huge embrace and they left together.

"Come on it's time to finally go home no more villainy just us two till the end"

"Yeah let's go home" Aizawa said and they headed off on route to the apartment.

They made it 'home' and Aizawa felt uncomfortable he shouldn't be out yet he shouldn't, he felt like it was too early he-

"Your over thinking again"

"Sorry but I just I shouldn't be out yet it's too early I, I Just I just "

He got hugged and the other male kissed Aizawa on the forehead

"I still love you even after what happened"


"Sho come on please calm down I probably am as stupid as you with that thought even my therapist thinks this please listen to me when I say this I was the one that helped you at least not get sent to jail I was the one who got you out slightly earlier I did all this because I still love you"

"You still have the scars...." Aizawa said when he noticed the scar on the others man's neck.

"Huh oh umm yeah it's permanent but I don't mind it's an interesting memory that I don't Actually want to forget it equalled you to get help in the end."

"I'm so sorry Yamada I will still do whatever it takes to get better for your sake and mine" Yamada grabbed Aizawa and they hugged for a while, untill Yamada heard a noise.

"I think it's time we sorted out dinner anything specific"

"I don't mind"

"If your sure" Yamada decided to start on the dinner while Aizawa looked around the house

"Which umm Which room am I using"

"Well if your not comfortable sharing then you can use the guest room next to mine".

"I'll use the guest room" Aizawa dropped his bag in there he didn't have much With him as where he used to stay he couldn't exactly go back to.

The room had more things then Aizawa old rooms, this room was very music based, the bed was a double bed quite spacious and the covers were black with white music notes. Behind the bed was a mural of music notes in white, while the main room was black, it was a nice room and you can tell the Yamada put effort into making this guest room look amazing. Aizawa sat down for a moment and looked around

"Why am I here I should still be locked up if I wasn't-"

"Hey sho dinners ready"

"Coming" he stood up and left the room seeing Yamada laying out the table for dinner. Yamada looked over to Aizawa

"You look down you okay" Yamada had just finished the table and walked over to Aizawa taking his hand to hold, Aizawa pulled his away,

"I'm fine just thinking again don't worry, let's just eat I'm starving" Aizawa laughed walking over to the table he stopped and just stood.

"Arn't you gonna sit down?"

"Oh right yeah" Yamada took his seat then Aizawa sat down he hadn't sat at a table like this in years well since school it was either on his own on the floor or it was in his empty hospital room where he'd still of been on his own or if he had to interact he'd have to wait to been told to sit down. He finally sat down and ate


"You like the food I've been practicing for when you was let out as I wasn't expecting the food to of been any better then you had in your old life"

"Yeah I guess" he carried on eating which ended up in silence neither of them knew what to talk about and soon when they were done Aizawa carried on just sitting there while Mic picked up both the plates to put them in the sink.

"I really don't think your okay what happened in there"

"N-nothing don't worry everything is-"

"Not okay Shota please tell me" Yamada interrupted Aizawa saying

"They treated me badly that's all I'm still seen as a villain by people so I was treated as one that's all"

"I'm sorry"

"Why why are you sorry I should be sorry I hurt you so many times why am I hear Yamada why why am I not in jail"

"Because I love y-"

"NO YOU DON'T I- you-" Aizawa stood up in quick movement pushing his chair and storming off.
"Night Yamada have a nice night", Aizawa said then went to his room.

Yamada stayed in the main area of the house for a bit longer then soon headed to bed

"Why do I love him? Oh right cause it's Shota" Yamada smiled and then went to sleep.

Stand and Fight (Book 2 Of Run Boy Run) INCOMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now