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so this marks the end of Aaron, Leo, Lou, Dom, and Cara.

It's is weird but it's hard to let go of these characters after 3 years of working with them. 3 years of having them in my head all the time. I created the plot when I was 15, and now I'm 18. It's insane how fast time flies.

I felt all these characters so much to the extent that I used to finish an Aaron chap, then jump straight out and write poetry off his tongue/mindset. Like who the hell does that??

At this point, everyone knows that TB got deleted. When I first created TB, I knew I wanted a prequel. I wanted people to read TB, then read the prequel, then reread TB and connect all the little details and hints in this book to the happenings of the first book. Almost every metaphor in the prequel had a double-meaning (especially regarding Lou and Aaron).

What happened to TB is such a mess and it's confusing and dumb. I'm planning to write a chapter on my rant book (you can find it on my profile!) in which I summarize everything that happened.

But the bottom line is that wattpad isn't planning on brining it back so here are the two roads that I can take:

1. i could delete the prequel after a while (bc i'm not gonna keep a prequel to a book that doesn't exist lol) or 2. i could try to re-upload Teenage Baby. It might need some changes to satisfy wattpad's majesty (making aaron older which I'm not happy about at all and some other things). Would you want it back?

(As i said, i'll talk more about TB on my rant book. I don't want to turn the end of this book into a mourning session lol.)


• I dedicate these two books to every single reader who supported me. Thank you for making me feel worthy for once.

• I also dedicate this to every person out there whose father (or mother, or both) broke their heart. Family issues mess you up, I know. You deserve so much better.


before you leave, I need some feedback. Especially from silent readers. I know silent readers don't like to comment but please, I'd really really appreciate if you'd answer as well. <3

1- did the prequel make you change your opinion about a certain character? Maybe like them less, or like them more?

2- Do you feel that you understand Lou in TB more now that you read this?

(Regarding this question, there was an existential crisis in TB. Not gonna lie I was close to face-palming when some people came to the conclusion in the end of TB that lou had been sane throughout the book. I cant believe they didn't understand a single shit of what happened lol. Anyhoo—)

3- do you feel like I've improved since TB? Writing-wise etc? Because I tried to implement what you guys told me i could improve back in TB.

4- give me constructive criticism. Honestly sometimes it's painful but i'd rather know about it so I'd consider it and improve. So regarding absolutely anything, tell me what you think i should work on improving.

5- if you genuinely enjoyed the prequel, leave a last impression here. I'm gonna pick some and add them to the end of TB to encourage others to read the prequel. (If i re-upload it)


I have no plans for extras and I doubt anyone would want anything, but if you have any specific scene you'd like to see, tell me and I'll write it and add it as a bonus. It can be from the prequel or even from the future, after TB (when leo and Aaron grew up). your choice.


"A deranged director, a heroine, and a villain."

This is from my new book, The Play. You can check out its intro chapter (available on my profile rn!) if you'd like to see a slightly extended synopsis and whatnot. The prologue will be up on Saturday!

Aaron's (and all the characters') ride just ended but now Nathanial's starts ;)


As a last note, I just want to reflect on everything, from TB to TT.

Thank you to everyone who loved Aaron and Leo. To everyone who understood Lou. To everyone who sympathized with Dom. To everyone who despised Cara. To everyone who supported me as a writer.

Watching you interact with the plot and characters meant everything to me.

Despite all that's happened, and despite what this platform did to me, you guys made the journey incredible. Wattpad can delete the progress but never the memories. ❤️

Thank you for everything. See you in The Play.

// FINISHED ! //

Teenage Troubles (Prequel for Teenage Baby)Where stories live. Discover now