Chapter 11: Reflection

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Content Warning: Mentions of Self-Harm and Suicide


Riley was suddenly awake. She looked around in the barely lit darkness to figure out what had happened, the knife already in her right hand as the mystery explained itself.

And she sneezed again.

With an exasperated groan she let her head fall back onto her pillow, grumbling to herself with a nasal voice as she turned to her side towards the window, judging by the dim light it couldn't have been any later than eight or so.

After sliding her switchblade back under her pillow she turned around some more, wanting to clear up at least one of her sinuses. Guess having that hat fly off of her did bite her in the ass afterwards.

Curse you, winter.

After realizing it was a brand new thing her and Rick had in common she tried to relax on the soft bed, pulling the covers as all the way up to her eyes, wanting to watch the ever so slowly brightening sky.

As her sinus finally cleared and she could smell at least partially again, she realized she could sense the same smell as on Saturday, noticeable but not at all unpleasant. Was she smelling it all this time and just went noseblind after a while? Was it just how this place smelled? Or how its residents smelled? Another question to ask Rick once they have a moment.

But that was later, and right now she heard someone run downstairs quite excitedly, which perked her curiosity up. After a bit of internal conflict about whether to snooze for just a bit more or get up and investigate.

Unfortunately her question was answered with an alarm from behind the wall immediately behind her, uncomfortably loud even when muffled. Despite the fact it was muted just a few seconds later, Riley was definitely not falling asleep anymore, mumbling angrily as she flips the thick covers off of herself, chilly air washing away any remaining drowsiness.

After pulling out some ragged shorts from the bottom drawer she finally got up and walked out of her room. and turning towards the stairs, trying to stretch as a door opened right in front of her, hitting her right on the nose.

Riley staggered with a loud grunt, holding her aching nose, thankful that at least it wasn't broken, or so she at least thought. It still hurt like a motherfucker and she felt some blood on her lip as she leaned against her door, quietly whining as the pain slowly subsided and she tried to fumble her way back to her bathroom.

"W-what was- oh my god Riley I'm so sorry are you alright!?" She heard Andrew say out in panic as she stumbled towards the sink, washing her nose with cold water until it stopped bleeding, grabbing a leaf of the toilet paper and stuffing it up the bleeding nostril.

She was more awake now than ever.

With another grunt she left her room again, Andrew still panicking a bit, his tail visible behind him and quite bristly.

"O-oh god Riley I-I'm so sorry I was afraid the a-alarm I forgot to turn off woke you up-"

"It kinda did." She responded in a deadpan voice, its nasalness only intensifying her unamusedness.

"I-I'm so sorry..." Andrew sounded like he was about to tear up on her, shaking a bit.

"It's just a bruised nose, I'll be fine, don't worry. And I at least hope that alarm is turned off now..." She grumbled a bit, annoyed but not really holding any hard feelings against Andrew.

"Y-you're still bleeding!"

"What?" She sensed her nose with her hand, 'ow'-ing a bit as she felt a small cut on the bridge of her nose, her finger barely stained with a tiny bead of the blood.

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