Chapter 14: Night Watch

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*knock knock knock*

Riley stirred groggily, slowly opening her eyes to near complete darkness. The faintest light of the overcast moon and a distant lamp post illuminated the windows, letting her be certain she was indeed awake now. In the middle of the night.

*knock knock knock*

With a groan, she slowly pulled her covers to the side, realizing the reason for her awakening. Her nose was still stuffed and breathing through the mouth felt rough, hopefully it was just a dry throat.

*knock knock knock*

After sliding her legs off the soft bed and forcing herself up, she realized she could make the vague outline of furniture and the door. A few moments of fumbling around on the floor to grab her pants later, she headed for the door, interrupting another salvo as she opened it.


Outside, from what she could make out, stood Timmy in his pyjamas, clutching his bunny plushie tightly, looking up at her. She could hear quiet whines from him, which made her crouch in front of him as she spoke up-

"Timmy? What's up?"

"R-Riley, can you t-take me to the bathroom?" He sounded terrified by something, and as her eyesight got used got the darkness, she could see his tail was bristled to match.

She was taken aback by his request, but figured that if he woke her up like that, he had a good reason to ask.

"Alright, Timmy. Is something wrong?" Riley asked as she got back up, grabbing his free hand, slowly walking out into the corridor, the little kit following her.

"I-I'm scared..." He whispered back as they walked, gently yanking her hand as they walked next to the stairs, stopping and asking again-

"C-c-can you turn the lights on?"

With a nod Riley reached to look around for the light switch, eventually feeling it out to be roughly at eye level with her, obviously outside of Timmy's reach.

She groaned loudly as the lights briefly blinded her, clutching her scarred eyes as they got used to the sudden light once more.

"T-thank you..." His soft voice was brimming with gratitude before he reached over and hugged Riley's legs, the gentle sensation making her smile, breaking through her slightly pained expression as she crouched down again, gently returning the hug, petting Timmy's back.

"Did you have a nightmare Timmy?" She asked as she got back up, extending a hand towards him again, before they made their way to the bathroom door.

"Yeah..." He responded quietly as Riley reached up to turn on the lights inside the bathroom, pushing the door open.

"Awwwh. Do you need help with the bathroom?" She responded softly, smiling down at him before he gently shook his head and walked in, Riley closing the door behind him and waiting.

She closed her eyes and leaned her back against the wall, waiting for Timmy to wrap up his business, having to force her eyes open again, praying to not fall asleep on the poor kit.

Eventually her pleas were answered as she heard the rush of water, followed by the soft creak of the sink, and then Timmy walking out, reaching his hand back up to her.

After closing the door to the bathroom and turning off the lights, they slowly made their way back to Timmy's room, the kit letting out a whine as she reached to turn off the lights in the corridor, Riley getting the message immediately.

Timmy's room was dark as well, darker still with his window facing away from the moon. He hid behind her legs with a tiny squeak as she opened the door, before managing to fumble her way to the light switch again, letting them both in.

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