out of the an explosions' and into a Fairy tail and into a lullaby

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Relaxing at the nearby park is a teen with light tan skin and black wild hair with blue eyes that are like the blue skies, he also have a red scar on his right eye , under his left eye is a red scar however shape of a fang, he is wearing a unbutton hoodie trench coat  that have a printed red-blue flames on the sleeves and underneath ,black gloves with a blue attachment orb, on the trench coat side is red line and black line window shape , shape diamond like on the long sleeve's shoulder. Underneath the trench coat hoodie  is a red-t shirt collar down , wearing a silver belt black buckle ,blue pants, black attachment blue and gray metal combat boots.

 Underneath the trench coat hoodie  is a red-t shirt collar down , wearing a silver belt black buckle ,blue pants, black attachment blue and gray metal combat boots

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?: ah, Relaxing, (heard a beep then he pick up his phone to answer it) Zack Orion here, what's up?

Phone: Zack, we have a mission for you.

Zack: Alright Max, what is it?

Max: is vilgax

Zack: (sigh) what squid head doing this time?

Max: there working on something.

Zack: there is?

Max: we have found out vilgax have albedo and Hex , the clone made from the Original Hex's D.N.A . Anywho, there at soms abandon warehouse up to something no good , i want o go there and investigate to stop them.

Zack: on it .( hang up his phone to put it in his pocket) Well, Time to roll out !

He pull out some car key to press the button as came next to him is a black car charger with an expose engine, he get inside the car and drove off.

As he drove off his scanner detect something at the harbor

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As he drove off his scanner detect something at the harbor.

Zack: okay there it is.

He park it at the near front of the warehouse , he exit out of the car and close it, press his car blinker to locked it.

Zack: alright let's do this!

He charge in and kick the doors opens to enter in.

Zack: knock! knock!

he then dodges a blast of magic from above.

Zack: that one way to say helllo  huh?

?: orion, how nice of you to visit us.

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