"She's cute."

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Ship: Slight Momo Yaoyorozu/Uraraka!F!Reader

Requested by Tinker_Tales ! I love these two so much, especially Momo! <3

Title: "She's cute."

In which the other Uraraka was lost in the maze called U.A Academy to bring something to her sister and met a certain angel.

Using second person point of view for this chapter. Please tell me if there's any mistake.

One of my longest chapter!! Almost 2000 words.


"Mother, I'm really worried about Ochako.." you said, looking at the television with furrowed eyebrows. The screen showed the image of Class A students outside a big building called U.S.J and the reporter just informed that they were under attack by some bunch of villains out of nowhere.

"I am too, (Name). But what can we do..?" she sighed, gently setting a bowl with steaming hot soup in it on top of the small, round dining table.

"If only I have a Quirk.. a strong one..I could've protect her.." you whispered, looking down at your palms, dejected on the fact that you were one of the few percent people born without a Quirk.

You saying that would've hurt Mrs.Uraraka if it wasn't for you always repeating the same sentence over and over again. She has grown accustomed to your words, so she didn't really mind anymore. With a sigh, she left you alone to bring another dish from the kitchen.

Being the older/younger twin sister of Ochako Uraraka was hard. You had to watch your older/younger sibling further her studies at the most prestigious school, which was U.A, while yoy- on the other hand had to stay home because the money they had wasn't enough to support you to be enrolled in any highschool.

Forgot to mention, you were rather a unique child for the Uraraka family. Sure, you may have their innocent face and smile, but none of them know where did you get your short temper from. And they were glad that the only time you're mad when it is the bloody days. But this time, it wasn't because of that, but it was because U.A didn't do a great job protecting your sister- and her classmates of course, but your main focus was on Ochako.

"Those U.A scums better watch their backs-" you muttered under your breath but was cut off by your mother's voice from the other side of the room.

"(Name) I heard you."

"Do you need any help at the kitchen?" quickly changing the subject, you turned off the television, rolling your eyes in disgust before standing up from the sofa to help your mother. "It's okay, Ochako's going to be home soon enough," you softly whispered to yourself, calming down the fire of hate in you.


The night went hectic when the gravity user was pampered with her mother and sister's hugs and smooches, saying how strong and amazing she was.

"So how was your early weeks in U.A?" you asked, rolling from your back to your tummy to look at your sister in the eyes with chin on your hands supported by your elbows. Ochako was in front you, sitting criss cross apple sauce, pondering for a while.

"It was fun, though the first time we met with our homeroom teacher, we thought he was some homeless man teaching us! He's Eraserhead, an underground hero, as they say." Ochako told you with full enthusiasm, and you couldn't help yourself but smile. It has been a while since you two had conversations like this, and you certainly missed it.

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