Chapter 4~

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( The night before )

Jeff's POV

Eyeless and I exploded into laughter. We had just came back from a very exciting killing spree at a pub. We were drunk with power and adrenaline of my knife ripping apart those unworthy humans had us both a bit tipsy. We had come to a dock. We both staggered down the road, wide smiles on our faces as we slapped each other on the back and laughed without a care in the world. Then we both came to a comfortable silence; each of us buried in our own thoughts. This continued for a while . Then I saw her.

I halted; Eyeless bumping into me. I put my hand on his mask, covering his mouth making him shut up. There she was walking alone. The moonlight bounced off her curls which swayed to and fro while her bag was slung around her shoulder. She looked troubled; as if something was on her mind. Beside me Eyeless was becoming impatient, shaking angrily and lightly tapping his foot on the ground. She noticed his movement and I internally cursed Jack.

"A-Anyone there? Who are you? " she said her voice barely audible.

My heart rate increased dramatically and I think Jack noticed.

"Anyone there? Who are you?" , her voice regaining more confidence. 

I didnt know what to say. My palms got sweaty and my stomach churned with little winged flying insects. ( I wouldnt say butterflies....Little winged flying creatures could also be beetles. You never know. One time Ben swallowed a beetle and it stayed there for 3 days before he coughed it up, His face was soo hilarious. It was priceless. )

"Yes" I finally replied. I swear my voice almost cracked and Jack was staring at me intently. 

"C-Come into the light."

I hesitated. My heart stopped. 

Should I do it?

What might happen if I do?

Jack tried to hold me back but I just shrugged him off and walked to stand under the light. It was like some invisible force had taken control of my body now, my actions, my emotions.

And there I stood. Under the light.

My heart was racing faster than when I had looked death straight in the face. She studied me closely Then half-fell onto the dock's railing. Then she composed herself and shouted "WHO ARE YOU?!"

I flinched. It hurt seeing her so angry at me. 

But how? I don't know. I barely know her, but once again I am affected by my supposed-to-be-dead victim. And I  not knowing what to do, did what I did last time.

"Goodbye" I said. And then jumped off the dock, followed by Jack into the crystaling waters below. We held our breaths and hid under the wooden plattform, and waited until her echoing footsteps had disappeared. When we were sure she had left, we emerged from the sea, coughing and spluttering all over the dock.

When I had caught myself I was fuming.

"Jack why the hell did you move?!" 

"Me? You were the one to go under the lamp and almost expose us! 

Jack paused then looked at me with a serious face.

"Why did you go? You know we can't be seen or heard. And why didn't you kill her? She's an easy victim!" A puzzled look was plastered on his face and my stomach ached with guilt. I sighed while running my fingers through my wet, messy hair. "I-I don't know..."

"Where is your knife Jeff?

I stopped. Where was my knife?

"I dont know that either."

We frantically searched for it but to no avail. I dont remember it falling in the water nor leaving it by the dock.

"Jeff what's going on?"

"Come on.'"

And with that we retreated to a nearby alley making our way to Slendy's mansion.

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