Liam Payne Is My...Brother? (One Direction.)

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I had this idea, and i couldn't stop thinking about it soo.... Here's a new prologue to a new story!


I'm shielded from everything. Shielded from everyone. I was left as a baby; a classic story, really. A baby left on a doorstep, brought into a very different family.  I was said to be born in the town i live in now, Wolverhampton, England. I guess my mum and dad didn't think to hard about putting me into a whole different part of the United Kingdom. 

Some say they left me here, because they wanted to come back for me. I don't want to go back. I love my new mum and dad, and even though it pains me to say it, i love my brother, Matt, even though he's an asshole sometime, okay, all the time, but I'm not allowed to go outside, or go to school, or really have any friends. My parents are scared that whatever miracle brought me here with them, will take me back. I don't know, my parents are crazy.

See, after my mum had Matt, she wasn't allowed to have any more children. My mum wanted two kids. That's been her dream for a while. I really don't know the whole story, but two years later, my mum and dad still mourning, i showed up. Ta da, everyone's happy.

Everyone but me. I can't help thinking who my parents are. My mum found me when i was one, and i have this memory of a man and woman, and a little boy dropping my off at my house. I remember crying for her to hold me. I remember being left. 

I remember probably the worst moment of my life, but nothing else. That was the last memory of my family and it's a terrible one.

Trust me, it haunts me every night.

My mum tells me to forget them, that if they loved me, they wouldn't have left me. She tells me to let go of whatever i remember. She doesn't get it. I mean, why would she? She wasn't left on a strangers doorstep. Did my parents even know anyone lived in the house they left me at? Did they even care? I asked my mom if she knew them. She doesn't. She said, 'She isn't friends with people who do that to children.' Maybe it was the best thing for me. Has anybody ever thought of that? 

I was shaken from my thoughts when i heard a loud tap and music on the other side of my crisp, clean, white door. "Oh my God, Matt, turn down your music." I yelled, rolling my eyes. I roll my eyes anyway, even though i now he can't see me.

"This is your father. I think this is my jam!" I heard my dad yell back. I started listening to the music and i got the beat and the song.

It was 'Whistle' by Flo Rida. I yelled, covering my ears. "DAD! Do you know what this song is about!?"

"Yeah. Blowing someone's whistle." He replied dumbly to me.

"DAD! Shut up and turn this off!" I yelled. I heard the music turn off and a sigh.

"Okay, honey, dinner's ready." I heard footsteps going down the hallway. I got up from my bed and realized that I had the memory of my birth parents as a drawing on my notepad. I have to stop doing that. Every time i think of my birth parents, I think of my last memory, and somehow i draw it. I draw little things i remember seeing, sometimes numbers are there, but only if i think really hard, which isn't very often.

I looked in the mirror and saw light blond hair flowing in soft waves. I put it up into a messy bun before throwing my sweater on and heading downstairs. On my way out, i ran into Matt. "Hey blondy. Jackson's coming over." He said.

"Why do i care?" I asked, walking side by side with him.

"Because you have a huge, weird, stalker crush on him." He said.

"I'm not even allowed to talk to him, remember? No friends."

"You seriously listening to that crap mum and dad tell you?" Matt shook his head. "Look, they're going out tonight, and Jackson and me are going to a party."

"Again, why do i care?"

"Because you're coming with." Matt whispered to me. I looked at him, astounded. I gasped, and grabbed him by the shoulder.

"No way in Hell Matt!" I whispered-yelled. "Do you know how much trouble i could get in? I could be grounded for months!" He snorted and looked at me.

"Does it matter? You're cooped up in here, anyway." He shook his head letting out a little snicker. "Come on, Gabby, live a little." He paused. "No, i'm totally kidding. Live your life the way your supposed to live it. I mean seriously," he stared me down, "who would want to kidnap you?"

"Asshole." I mumbled.


"Jackson! Oh, come in!" I heard my mother call. I got the eyes from dad saying, 'get upstairs.' I nodded before rushing up the stairs, only to be stopped by Matt. 

"Go get ready. We leave in  half hour." Matt said, giving me evil eyes. I nodded.Being sixteen, and him being eighteen, kind of makes things difficult to be mean and controlling. I ended up in a little red tank top, leather jacket, dark wash skinny jeans, and boots with my hair straightened. My mom got me make up. but i never took the time using it, usually because i never had to go anywhere, but now that i do put it on, i look like crap. I have no freaking idea how to put make up on.

Screw this.

I took it all off and smeared some chap stick on my lips, before heading out, bumping right into Jackson. "Wow, Gabby, you look really hot." Jackson said. His black hair slicked and his blue eyes flaring with brightness. 

"Um, than--"

"Dude. Never call my sister 'hot.' If you ever feel like telling her she looks good, tell her she's beautiful." Matt shoved Jackson's shoulder. "Learn some chivalry." To say I was surprised would be the understatement of the year. I was astounded. Matt never said anything like that about me. Never less his best friend. He's usually just call him a freak...Not that i stalk on their conversations or anything...

"Sorry, man." Jackson said, before turning back to me. "Gabby, you look beautiful." Jackson said, bowing a bit, while getting a harsh glare from Matt.

"Thank you Jackson." I said. He held out his hand to tell me to go downstairs first. I quickly went, knowing Jackson is checking out my ass. 


When we got into the car, i had sweaty palms, a racing heart, and i was breathing quite hard. I have never even stepped outside before. I don't know whats what, and i'm worried as hell. Matt turned to me and and rolled his eyes, and said, "Chill Gabby. Mum and dad are gone for the weekend." 

"Don't tell me to 'chill,' alright?" I said harshly. "You can go wherever you want. I have to be cooped up in that little house. God knows how much trouble i could get into." I frowned. "I'm their 'miracle' remember?" 

"There's not a day i could forget." Matt said, narrowing his eyes and turning back. I continued staring at the back of his head in confusion. What the hell? I just rolled my eyes, crossed my arms in front of my chest and looked out the window to the beautiful trees, that i only saw through my window, the luscious grass with the colorful flowers that were scattered. The moon off to the side, ready to be the center of the sky. Everything was so more beautiful than i could ever imagine.

I heard loud booming of hard core rock and roll music, and realized we were at the party. Cars were parked all around the block. "V.I.P parking. Chester saved it. Sweet, huh?" Jackson said, slamming on his brakes and parking near the front of the house. He took the key out of the ignition and turned to me. "Ready to get drunk, Gabby?" I looked at him in confusion, ready to say something, but Matt cut me off.

"She's not getting drunk, dude. She's my little sister, it's too weird." Matt said, shrugging and getting out of the car. I was about to retort, but then thought about me getting drunk...Yep. Too weird. Damn. Matt has to always be right, doesn't he?

Once i got out of the car, Jackson and Matt were swarmed by girls. They were all flirting and laughing before one turned to me, dropped the strand of hair she was twirling and frowned. "Oh my God." She said, nudging her  friend next to her. The friend looked at me and jaw dropped. 

"You're Liam Payne's missing little sister."


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