Chapter 1

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Hey, everyone! I'm just uploading like a good Wattpader. 

That's Matt Over therre >>> AUSTIN MAHONE. Yum.


^*^Before All The Madness^*^

I remember feeling lucky to smell chocolate chip pancakes. That usually meant Matt cooked. He didn't on a regular basis, but he's an excellent chief, even if he won't admit it to anyone of he's 'thug' friends. Even though I'm not an expert on how teenage guy friends work, I'm pretty sure they wouldn't mind having a friend who could whip up a killer batch of pancakes, or cupcakes. Matt's also pretty crafty.

He hasn't cooked anything in a while. He pushed it out of his life because he thought it was cutting off his 'sawg.' Whatever that was.

So i was pretty lucky to smell pancakes that morning. Matt's pancakes. You could tell when my mum cooked the flap jacks, and when my brother did. Matt usually added a hint of mint, and in the sent, the mint was very noticeable. Mum's didn't have anything type of spice. All you could really smell was burnt chocolate chip's. Let's just say, mum's didn't have you coming for seconds, unless you're Matt. He eats like a freaking pig. Even though he's a guy, gheesh. I didn't even know anyone could handle that much substance in your stomach.

I threw on a sweatshirt, since it was like two degrees outside. The winter air usually get's in my house. I don't know how, it just does. I put on a pair of fuzzy pants and my lazy socks. It was so cold, I actually thought about wearing my Snuggy. I decided against it. Matt's really mean about me wearing it. I don't blame him. I look stupid in it.

I ran down the stairs, and saw my mum setting the table while my dad was reading the newspaper. Matt had his apron on and flour all over his face. I sighed in relief. Whenever Matt looks like this, means he actually spent some time working on it. I smelt the mint nice and clear, just like it was supposed to be. Clear and fresh. 

"Hey Matty." I said, grabbing some flour and putting it behind my back. He looked at me and smiled. 

"Don't even try it." Matt said, still smiling. I looked him in confusion. He finished putting the pancakes on the plate and hugged me. Making me drop the flour on the floor. He just smirked at me. He turned his back to wash his hands. I made me move. I jumped on his back and began tugging and messing with his hair. God, he hated that. He always spends, like, an hour trying to get his hair perfect. That is a legit statement.

"REVENGE!" I called. He started whining. Telling me to 'get off,' and 'stop touching his hair.' I didn't listen. These moments, i killed for. When Matt and I would act like brother and sister. Real, and happy siblings. Like i wasn't left on his doorstep. Like he actually thought of me as family. Like he actually wanted me there.

"Get off, or you don't get any pancakes!" He said. That threat made me get off in a second flat. He laughed and brought  the pancakes to the table. I smiled as i took my seat. He gave me two. Even though, we aren't blood, he knew how many pancakes i liked. Really, he knew everything about me. He was my brother. There isn't anything i would keep from him, but a few months before the party, i felt like he was keeping something from me. Like he knew something he wasn't supposed too. I never bugged him about it.

I looked at Matt. He looked just like mum. Brown hair, hazel eyes, shorter, and big feet. Matty really doesn't look anything like dad. My dad has more of a black hair color, going grey. And me, let's just say, i don't fit in. That was they day i figured out i wasn't part of the family. I was a loner, in technical terms. I didn't have the same interests as my mum or dad, nor the same talents, genes or looks. I'm just that girl that everyone looks at and goes, 'she's part of your family? I would have never guessed.'  I've gotten that one multiple times. 

It bugged me. Knowing i wasn't blood related to any of these people i claimed to be my family. 

"Honey, are you alright?" My mum asked me, snapping my out of my thoughts. "You haven't even touched your pancakes."

"I'm fine." I said, diving into my delicious Matty pancakes.

That day everything seemed wrong, and it continued to feel that way.


^*^The Party^*^

Even though i was shocked about finding out i was some famous guy's missing sister, i couldn't help but turn to Matt and give him the look. The look like 'Alright, you're my brother. Tell her she's crazy.' But he just turned away and went inside. "What are you talking about?" I asked the girl in front of me.

"Liam Payne. One Direction." She said. I nodded. I knew who they were. Who didn't? "Well, recently, he said since he has the money, he's going to send out a search party to find this 'missing sister.' They're checking America, first. He sent out a baby picture to try to find out how she may look about the age she is now, supposedly sixteen. And the police worked it all out, and since they're the police it's got to be pretty damn accurate. And by golly, it is. She'" The girl said out of breath.

"That's bull." I said, rolling my eyes. "It could just be a coincidence." She shook her head.

"How old are you?"

"Sixteen." I said. She raised an eyes brow. I remembered that this sister is supposed to be sixteen. "Whatever, another coincidence."

"Were you born into Matt's family?"

"That's a bit personal." I said. She rolled her eyes. "Fine, no, but they found me. On they're doorstep. So Liam's family, even if i was his sister which I'm not, gave me up. I'm not missing."

"I think he would have remembered giving up his baby sister. No offense. He's worried. I think you should at least go to the police." She said. "I'll come with you."

"Thanks, but i need a few minutes to think this through." I said, taking a seat on the curb. She nodded and went to talk to her friends. Every few seconds, looking in my direction. I just looked away.

I thought really hard. That memory. That memory that was forbidden for me, says my mother. The last minute i had with my real family. I thought back. I tried to remember features about my parents, or that little boy. My real mum had brown hair. I remembered that, because it was flowing in the wind. 

I quickly pulled out my smart phone and got on the Internet. I searched, 'Liam Payne Mum.' A million pictures popped up. I saw one of her with Liam. I smiled. Wait. Liam's mum has blond hair. I tried to find a picture where she had brown hair, but there was none. I tapped on a picture and it enlarged. I looked close. Oh my God. She' This is my mother.

I plopped down on the curb and sunk. What does this mean? I ran to the girl who had given me all the information. She smiled. "Take me to the police." I said, she nodded, but she wasn't going fast enough. "Now, please!" I yelled. She looked up and nodded. Clearly, nervous. Hell! I was about to shit my freaking pants.

"My car is over here." She said. Her blond hair coming out of her ponytail. I realized I haven't exactly introduced myself to her. "I'm Fiona, by the way." She smiled and held out her hand. "Call me Fly."

"Gabby." I said, accepting the hand and giving it a firm shake before letting it drop. "Thanks for doing this." I slipped into her Ford, she followed and started the ignition.

"No problem. As long as i get to meet One Direction." She smiled. I just nodded. "You know, if that's not weird. I know we're not friends..." She trailed off.

"You finding this out, telling me, and then helping me automatically makes us friends." I said, smiling. She just smiled back at me, driving out of the driveway. I guess Fly get's the V.I.P parking too.

This is going to be a long night.

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