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He's making fried chicken and tomato soup, because that's Kai's favourite, and Kai has been quiet all evening. It unsettles him, how the younger man keeps wandering aimlessly around the apartment, stopping every once in a while to stare at him, then stare out of the window.

Kai still wanders over and hovers over his shoulders while he's making dinner though. He sees Kai shifting through newspapers and supermarket coupons on the table out of the corner of his eyes, deft fingers flipping through the pages. He sees Kai picking up his key ring and wallet, weighing them in his hands, spacing out. It takes him a few seconds to realize Kai is going through his wallet.

"What are you-"

Kai absently pulls out a polaroid, and Kyungsoo snaps his mouth shut. Kai stares at the polaroid for a really long time, his face expressionless. They are both quiet for a long while. "So." Kai throws his wallet down to the table, raising the polaroid up so he can see as well. The picture shows Kai and him together, grinning widely, Kai's face smooshed against his, one arm wrapped around Kyungsoo's shoulders as always, the other reaching out towards the camera - he's obviously the one who took the picture. The background shows them leaning against a car. A red Ferrari, brand new and shining in the sun. There's nothing unusual about the picture, except...

"I'm pretty sure I have never taken a picture with you. Ever. And I definitely don't remember this polaroid." Kai says, waving the little piece in the air. "So."

Kyungsoo stays silent.

"You can't be the Kyungsoo I normally meet, because you tell me you're only hanging with me when you're Kyungsoo Double having your little vacation, living the normal timeline. So I guess you're the Kyungsoo from the future. Kyungsoo Prime, isn't it? But if you're Kyungsoo Prime, aren't you supposed to be at your fancy Gangnam apartment suite or your glass tower office, trading financial securities and MAKING PROFIT out of the future?"

Kyungsoo winces. "Well, that's because I'm not... Kyungsoo Prime. And obviously not the normal Kyungsoo Double either. But I am... from the a point of time way ahead of this moment, you could say."

"I thought so. I was starting to think things didn't add up. I followed you... okay, normal Kyungsoo, back to his apartment last night, but it was a place several blocks up north from here. Nearer to the garage. I asked around, and he'd obviously lived there on and off for a while. That guy went on 'long business trips' a lot, the neighbours said. But I still don't get it. How many Kyungsoo are running around this city exactly?" 

"At this moment... if your normal Kyungsoo is in a loop... well he must be since he's living in that apartment now instead of the Gangnam one, I'd say... three of us." He glances down at the boiling pot of soup and turns the stove off.

"Three. Really." Kai raises a head to rub at his forehead. "Okay. When did you get here and what are you doing here exactly?"

"This loop of mine started about... seven months ago." He bites down on his lips. This is going to take some long explaining. At least the chicken is already done. "Seven months ago, I got thrown back in time to right around the first time we met at the Incheon race track, eight months away from my original point. That's... the furthest I've ever traveled in one go, actually. I'm not sure how it happened, but it did. It was... an unplanned move. I actually had no plan, so I've just been... living here. Waiting for my point of origin to come. That's the day that polaroid was taken actually."

Kai stares accusingly at the polaroid. "And when was this taken?"

He glances at the calendar. "A few weeks from now, actually. Seven months ago for me, a few weeks from now for you."

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