how you cheer them up

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𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐝 𝐟𝐥𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐬
❪ preferences ❫

- tries to not show it ; but you can tell
- he feels better after talking about it
- jammin to his favorite songs
- hanging out with nick and quincy

- you let him vent about it
- he doesn't wanna do anything
- just goofing around a lot
- little pecks in between

- you tell him stupid jokes
- he doesn't laugh at one of them
- he laughs at how ridiculous you are
- then you leave him alone
- because he wanted to be alone

- if he's sad, he's sad
- not afraid to show his emotions
- he cries and you comfort him
- you cuddle with him
- you make him some food

- when he's sad he gets mad
- so you stay away from him
- or he's gonna lash out on you
- and that's no good 😤

𝘄𝗶𝗹𝗱 𝗳𝗹𝗼𝘄𝗲𝗿𝘀,     ᶠⁱⁿⁿ ʷᵒˡᶠʰᵃʳᵈWhere stories live. Discover now