The drive home

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No ones POV
On the way home Hobbes drove (he was there ok! (°°))
so Gladion just stared out the window,lost in thought,ash happily chatting away to Serena about his adventures Lillie fast asleep in front of them with her head on the window.

Gladion POV
I couldn't stop thinking about Serena!What was it about her that attracted me?I hadn't seen her battle yet so it couldn't be about her strength...UGHHHH this is driving me nuts!?!?Just forget about it deal with it gonna take a nap.

Serena's POV
There's something about that Gladion boy.Something that makes wanna get to know him more and wanna get close to him.wait... AM I FALLING FOR HIM!??!??
I've been in alola for less than 2 hours and I'm falling in love already
I mentally was screaming at myself ash had fallen asleep on the window(he had the window seat)I was in the middle and noticed that Gladion had woken up from his nap dang why did he have to be so freaking cute!!!
"Hey sorry did I wake you?"I asked
"Nope not at all"

Gladions POV

God she talking to me!! Her voice it's so soft and soothing man!
"Gladion?"she asked
"Um ye-a"
"Sorry I thought you were sleeping again"
" no sorry I was um thinking yea thinking about something!"

Authors note:
Hallo! It's derpy dude and I just wanted to say I'm gonna take a break from this book for now and I'm gonna write a new one about if Serena came to the alola region yes it's gonna be about Pokémon again.

That's all thanks
Form derpy dude

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