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I lay on the broken bed in my cell exhausted this is my life a human captured by ghouls to be sold to other ghouls as a pet or food 'COUGH' my coughing fit starts again making me cough violently as my coughing fit stops i hear chatter

???: so what's so unique about her? Unusual hair colour? Eye colour?

No-Face: you'll see she's just up here

I hear No-Face says as he stops at the front of my cell and i see a girl stop next to him and i take notice to her...unique appearance maroon pink cloak with droopy ears covered head to toe in bandages and sporting a pink floral scarf she looks at me closely studying me

No-Face: come

He says and I groan not having the strength as I reach an arm off the bed falling out as I drag myself to them and No-Face looks at me in shock that i'm so thin

Eto: you been starving her?

Uta: i don't understand the guards are feeding them all

He says as he opens the door kneeling down to me sliding an arm underneath my back making me flinch and wince in pain and he stops rolling me onto my side as he pulls up my shirt to see the marks

Uta: i'm sorry Eto, it seems the guards haven't been handling property with care if you still want to buy her i will compensate for the damages to her body

Eto: yes i'm still buying her


I ask confused

Eto: yes i'm buying you, you won't be living here anymore

She says and instead of being scared i smile shedding tears of relief

I cry and she smiles as I feel a small gentle hand stroke my cheek and tucking my hair behind my ears and I lean into the hand

Eto: your too weak to stand, aren't you?

Eto asks and i nod with that she picks me up avoiding the cuts and marks on my back as she follows No-face out to the reck room which i know all too well the memories of my times in here start surfacing making me scared so i wrap my arms around Eto leaning into her

Eto: what is it?

She asks as she looks down to see me shaking in her arms and she realises why i don't like this room

Eto: this is where they did it, isn't it?

She asks and i hum as her grip on me tightens

Eto: it's ok you're mine now and i won't let anyone hurt you

She says and i hum as we hear No-face


No-face shouts making me flinch at the loudness of his voice and Eto shushes me as all the guards rush out to us on alert due to No-Face's shouting

???: sir?

No-Face: explain to me NOW why this one is damaged!

No-Face shouts pointing to my weak body held by Eto And i curl up into a ball getting even more scared tears start streaming from my eyes and Eto notices

Eto: hey come on now don't cry

She says but i don't stop

Katey:...E-Eto...i'm so scared

I croak and she nods shushing me

???:s-sir i don't understand

No-Face: show them Eto show them her marks

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2022 ⏰

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