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last chap you guys...

I'm gonna cry hehe...



Taehyung feels his mouth fall open as they step out of the car.

His blue hair blows in the wind, making him look like some Disney princess. Or at least, in Jungkook's eyes. The said male steps out behind Taehyung, looking at him fondly.

Taehyung looks back and smiles brightly. His head swings back and forth between Jungkook and the amusement park.

"I-I have always wanted to go somewhere like this!"


Taehyung yelps as his uncle pulls his wrist harshly, dragging him down the streets.

Taehyung knows what's happening when he gets home, and he feels his body shiver in fear. Just as the tears threaten to fall, his eyes catch a glint of something shining before he hears a lot of screams.

At first, it made him scared to the core, but after they get closer and walks by, he knows what it is. Huge roller-coasters as big as houses are filling the park, making something in Taehyung's stomach sparkle.

His uncle grits his teeth and forces the smaller further down the street.

"You got that curiosity from your disgusting father who doesn't want you. At least you got your mother's eyes" the man says, disappearing into his own world.

Taehyung gulps by the mention of his parents. He never knew why they left him or where they are now.

Flashback end

Taehyung shakes his head at the memory. He now knows that his parents died in a car accident. They didn't leave him because they didn't love him as his uncle had alleged.

His uncle seemed to have some sort of love for his mother. That's probably why he kidnapped him and held him in his house for so many years.

"Tae, come on," Jungkook smiles and reaches out his hand which Taehyung gladly accepts.

They walk together inside, skipping the line like Jimin and Jungkook always do. The blue-haired male has become more comfortable with big crowds of people, enjoying the smiles and hugs they give each other. He starts wondering why he was ever scared.

Taehyung drags Jungkook to the first roller-coaster. They jump in together and Taehyung grabs tightly around Jungkook's hand as the cart starts riding.

When they hit the top and falls, they both scream, tears escaping their eyes. But it's tears of happiness.

They run around the park for hours and Jungkook swears he has never seen the younger this excited before.

They finish off with the ferries wheel, no matter how cliché that sounds.

They sit in front of each other, Taehyung basically clued to the window to look at the view.

They can see pretty much the whole city, and since it's getting darker, there are beautiful lights all around them.

Jungkook leans back and looks at the other. He takes in his features and subconsciously smiles.

God, he's so lucky.

"Look, there's a blue house!" Taehyung points and smiles. Jungkook just hums in response, not letting his eyes leave the beautiful man before him.

The younger turns to see Jungkook staring at him.


"Oh, nothing," Jungkook lies.

Taehyung smiles brighter and looks out again. Jungkook takes the chance to stand up and sit on the other side, letting his arm find its normal spot around the other's waist.

Taehyung looks back at him.

"You're beautiful," Jungkook whispers.

They stare at each other. Jungkook is the first to lean in. Their eyes flutter shut before their lips meet in one of the familiar kisses.

When they pull back, Taehyung cups Jungkook's cheeks, making the elder look at him slightly confused.

"Thank you," he says.

"For what?" Jungkook asks, getting lost in the other's beautiful eyes.

Taehyung leans forward and pulls their bodies together in a warm hug. Jungkook doesn't hesitate to hug back, his chin on Taehyung's shoulder.

"Thank you... for giving me a home."


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So... this is it... I might make an epilogue for this.

I actually didn't know what this story would turn out to be like, and I had planned for a 'bad ending', but I hate stories with bad endings... so I chose to make it sweet and fluffy instead! I truly hope you enjoyed this and that it was worth reading. It has been fun to make, and now I will work hard on my other stories as well! I hope this somehow lived up to the expectations? If it didn't I'm sorry😬

Thank you so much for all the reads! I purple you all💜

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