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Steve: When Steve hugs you, it's almost awkward. He stares at you for a moment, as if asking for permission to hug you. Once you notice him he opens his arms slightly. Lucky for him, you never turn down a hug from captain america! He then wraps his arms around you, holding you as close to him as possible.

Thor: Thor hugs are the best hugs. Whenever you are sad or angry, he simply grabs your arm and pulls you into his chest. Thors hugs are super warm and friendly. Everytime he hugs you, it's like hugging a giant teddy bear.

Bruce: Hugging Bruce is almost awkward. He is always super nervous and way too shy to hug you. So instead you hug him. When ever he is stressed you just walk up and hug him tightly. Once he feels you in his arms he immediately calms down.

Tony: Being the cheeky man he is, whenever he hugs you, his hands go straight for your butt. Whether you are in public, or at home, his hands are always there. Every once in a while, he will hug you from behind. But if tony ever senses your sad, he will give you a real hug. A long, warm, reassuring hug.

Clint: Clint hates hugging. He simply hates it. He would rather throw a arm around your waist. That way he can pull you closer to him. But you never complain, as long as your close to him your happy.

Natasha: She hates touching. Any touching for that matter. The only time she will hug you, is when you cry. She's a stone cold killer, she doesn't know how to show affection very well. So instead of hugging you she flashes you a warm smile. That's just how tosha does it.

Loki: His hugs are as gentle as possible. He will slowly grab you by the waist or shoulders, and pull you closer. Snaking his arms around and you holding you in a gentle, but sweet, hug.

Bucky: Bucky is insecure. Like super. And for that reason, he always thinks you don't want to hug him. But you always try and reassure him,
" Bucky, I'm your girlfriend for a reason. Of course I want to hug you."
And after the moment of reassurance, he will pull you into a short hug.

Pietro: When Pietro hugs you, it's all so sudden. He will just yank you into his arms at the most random times. He will just hold you close, resting his chin ontop of your head.

Wanda: When Wanda hugs you, it's like the last hug you will ever receive. She is always scared something drastic will happen, because of her horrible past. So when she hugs you, she means it. She nuzzles her face in your neck, her arms holding you against her tightly.

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