Chapter 63

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<sorry it took so long, don't hate me :( >

"do you want eggs with your breakfast?" yoongi asked while peaking his head through the door in to the bedroom where jungkook was still cuddled under the safety of his pale, yellow bedsheets. a small head popped up from the covers and small, doe-like eyes were prying through towards yoongi, making his heart clench in his chest. jungkook gave a gentle nod, not yet daring to use his voice as it was still croaky from the early morning waking.

the older man hummed to himself then walked himself back towards the kitchen to continue making the food for the boy in the room next door.

back in the bedroom, jungkook was staring intensely at the ceiling, fixated on it as though he was attempting to find something imprinted on to it, as though something was there that he needed to see. but in reality, the young boy was caught in thought. trapped in the guilt of dragging the blonde from the comforts of his home just because he needed the warmth of the older man by his side. even despite the fact that the male was willing to join him in a heart beat, he could still feel it eating away at his heart.

jungkook suffered with a lot of things, self esteem being one of them. the insecurity, the fear in which he carried on his shoulders made him drag his feet away from every hair-raising situation. even though yoongi was trying his best, he couldn't crush every uncertainty. even if he tried.

a single drop of tears fell from his left eye, a small yet visible sign of his sadness. a simple hug from the older boy could fix everything, but he didn't want to burden him; especially since he's making breakfast for the both of them despite jungkook denying the fact that he was hungry - his stomach growling gave away the hint.

"come get your eggs, lovely." a small voice called from the kitchen, the bright and cheery aura in which he gave off, sadly, contradicted the feeling inside jungkook's chest and that contracted slowly and deeply in order to keep his breathing natural.

once again yoongi's head could be seen peaking round the corner of the doorframe, checking on the boy in bed. although he tried to hide it the older man could clearly see his tear stained face. with his hand outstretched grounds of the younger boy by the hand and pulled in towards the dinner table where their breakfast lay neatly with napkins folded up on the left side of each plate set out on the dishes were two lashes of bacon, one egg and one tomato, although it was the feast fit for a king it was still enough for the two boys; even for the one that was hesitant to eat.

- - - - - - -

both men were sat at the dining table twiddling their thumbs, unsure of what to say. a few minutes before this, the older man had taken the plates to the sink and had washed, dried them and placed them down to dry; going back to jungkook he noticed that the boy hadn't moved at all with his head, once again, facing downwards. naturally, yoongi wanted to bring up the conversation on jungkook's tears from earlier but he wasn't too sure how to first mention it. while, jungkook on the other hand was praying that the older male didn't ask, that he just kept to himself because he knew that the water locked behind his eye would start pouring if he was questioned on the subject.

the first person to speak up was yoongi. the man who wanted to fix all the problems that the boy sat next opposite him felt, even though it wasn't possible. ", i wanted to talk to you." he forcefully pushed out. jungkook merely shook his head while keeping his eyes locked down at the floorboards, attempting to avoid the discussion entirely. "jungkook, look at me."

jungkook, who suddenly felt profoundly smaller than the older man, lifted his head the smallest amount but still dodged any eye contact with the blonde. two fingers were placed on the base of his chin and pushed upwards, forcing them to make direct eye contact. "why were you crying earlier, kook?"

although wanting to, the younger boy made no attempt to spill his worries to yoongi. as much as he liked the man in front of him, he was afraid that the more he said...the more attached he would become. last night, yoongi was there for him in more ways than one., and jungkook was grateful. the older man went out of his way to show his adoration by cuddling him and whispering soft, soothing words to help the boy find some peace.

"jungkook i need to know in order to be able to be there for you." he firmly pushed. " know i won't be able to stop worrying otherwise."

a loud, unsettling sigh ran out of jungkook's mouth and echoed around the small space between the two men. the awkward yet cozy atmosphere that was shared among them was pulling multiple strings that were attached to yoongi's heart, the disheartening feeling of not being enough was slowly creeping up on the back of his neck.

"i'm just sorry, that's all." if the older man was being true to himself, he wouldn't have minded the younger boy apologising if it would set his mind at ease...but the fact that he add "that's all" angered the man slightly, upset that he was decrying his own emotions. shrugging them off as though they were only a hair on your sleeve.

"you don't need to be sorry," he paused. "what makes you feel the need to apologise."

he shrugged, seeming disinterested. "i just dragged you here and i know you'll say you came on your own will. i know, but i still feel bad."

yoongi sighed dejectedly. he got up off the chair and made his a way round to face the saddened boy and took his hand slowly, placing a soft kiss on to the four individual bumps. "i know this won't ease your mind, but i'll always be here for you. don't you worry about being too much, you'll never burden me."

a delicate yet quick kiss was placed upon jungkook's pouty lips as the older man kept the younger one in his snug, squishy arms.

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