Chapter 1

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Hi guys! Kez here. So, I'm starting my first real story, called "Fashion High." It's going to be a li'l funny. And, some info for some haters? Don't like it, don't read it. Anyway, here goes Ch. 1!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The bell rung, and a sigh of relief came from the back of the class, where Kayley sat, the whole class rammed out the door. "Today's class was so boring" murmured Kayley to Amy, her best friend. "Of course it was," she replied "who doesn't know how to measure a waistline!". "I know who," Kayley whispered darkly. "Katy." Katy was the weird, strange person in Kayley's year and she was certainly the dumbest according to Kayley and her friends."Want to go into the Town for buttons and things?" asked Amy. The town was Amy and Kayley's nickname for the north of the city which they lived in, which had high street  shops like New Look and Lipsy London. "Fine," said Kayley."Just let me get home first" said Kayley "infact I'll just carry it" she added and they walked out the door.

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