Chapter 2

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Kayley and Amy walked ond the bus dully and gave the bus driver one pound eighty they walked to the very back of the bus and slouched down."4 boring more stops to go" moaned Kayley as she pulled her IPOD out her bag, then Amy done the same.Kayley put in her pink earphones and looked out the dusty, old bus window and sighed "one day I hope to see my name in shop windows Kayley Willflower the girl who dreamt but did she get what she dreamed? "Kayley Kayley" called Amy "yeah" she shouted "I think you had your head in the clouds" said Amy "yeah" she replied trying to sound like she actually cared."Next stops ours" called Amy "yeah" said Kayley pulling her earphones out for the second time.It was their stop as they turned round they noticed they were the only ones left on the bus they ran of and went into their favorite craft shop Hobby craft and picked out the most beutiful buttons they had ever seen" wow" said Amy "we'll get a few packs each there only  99p a tube" said Kayley they were leopard print with little crystals at the edge.Kayley looked behind her and saw amazing silk fabric she fell in love with it as soon as she saw it she had to buy it it was royal blue with union jacks on them she had to buy it, well at least a metre of it anyway, to make a playsuit out of it.altough its quite patterny ofcourse the top part would be plain black.Kayley and Amy raced to the checkout to pay for their stuff they pulled out their purses and paid.They ran out the door to discover Katy was about to run in they ran even faster and they were just on time to get on the bus.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2012 ⏰

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