Backstage (Vsoo)

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Taehyung POV: 

When you want to, but can't tell the world something, it can eat away at you. I wanted to shout from the rooftops how much I loved her, but they always told us, "Keep it backstage." 

"Hi, bunny. How are you?" I asked the phone. 

"I'm fine. You?" Jisoo replied. 

"Tired. Promotions, you know?" 

"Not really. You know that the girls and I are just waiting for a comeback." 

"I feel so bad for you. I wish you could just switch companies." 

"Well, I can't. I signed a contract." 

"If you want, I'll be at the dorm in 10?" 

"That'd be great." 

"I'll see you then." I grabbed flowers and headed to her dorm. When I was stepping out of the car, I thought I heard a slight click. I shrugged it off, and headed in. "I got flowers!" Jisoo wrapped her arms around me. 

"I missed you. A lot," she smiled. 

"Yeah, she wouldn't shut up about it," Jennie said from the couch. 

"I hate being this busy. I wish I could spend all my time with you," I gazed into Jisoo's eyes. 

"I'm just happy to hear your voice and see your face. In person," she gazed back. The next morning, I woke up to Jimin banging on my bedroom door. 

"Taehyung! Did you buy flowers when you saw Jisoo?!" he shouted. 

"Yeah, why?" I was puzzled. 

"You're all over the internet! 'BTS' Taehyung outside of the Blackpink dorms with flowers!' You're in big trouble!" Jimin shook me up. Later that day, I was sent to a meeting room with Bang PD, YG, and Jisoo. 

"We said you two could date in secret if you could keep it under raps. Taehyung, this isn't under raps. Your fans are pissed. Yours too, Jisoo," PD scolded. 

"We can't kick you out of the groups, that would be awful for business, but we need to do something," YG looked so stern. "You have to break up. You can date for a month more, and then you'll break up, just like what we did with Jennie. No secret dating, that'll be the end of it. And trust us, we will know if you try to go behind our backs. We have eyes everywhere." 

"Please, no. I love him, I can't-" Jisoo was crying. 

"No. You knew that this would happen, and these are the consequences," YG interrupted. 

"Please. I can't leave her. I need her like I need air," I was crying too, now. 

"I'm sorry, Taehyung. My hands are tied," PD looked solemn. Jisoo ran out of the room, so I followed. 

"Soo-yah, just take deep breaths. We'll figure this out," I kissed the top of her head. 

"Tae, I can't leave you. I need you. I can't participate in all of this bullshit. All I want is you. Who cares if I'm an idol anyway!" she was crying. 

"I'm not gonna let you give up your dreams, Jisoo. I know how much all of this means to you," I replied. 

"You mean more. A million times more," she laid her head on my chest. The month came and went. We had officially broken up, and the internet wasn't happy. #vsooisdead was going around the internet, and it hurt so bad whenever I logged onto Twitter. The boys kept me company, but nothing was helping. 

"At least you have closure, Tae. You know that she doesn't hate you, or something," Namjoon tried to comfort me. 

"I don't have closure! Our love story can't be over! This can't be where it ends! I still love her with all of my heart," I cried. 

"Then let's write a song. Come to my office, let's figure this out," Yoongi offered, and I followed. 

Jisoo POV: 

A month later, BTS was coming back with a song called 'Wrong Ending'. Tae sang the chorus, and it talked about a love story with the wrong ending. I cried when I listened to it. I knew it was about us. I was MCing the show they came back on, and we saw each other backstage. 

"Hi," I said quietly. 

"Hey," he replied. 

"I heard the song. It's good." 

"It's about us. I couldn't let this happen. I needed closure." 

"I do too. I wish our ending was different. I miss you so much." 

"Miss you too. Would you kill me if I did something crazy tonight?" 

"What do you mean?" 

"You'll just have to see. Your company might not like it, though." 

"I don't think I'll mind, then." 

"See you then," he went in for a quick kiss. 2, 3 seconds at most. 

"I'll see you," I sighed. I got my hair and makeup touched up, and soon it was time to go on stage. "Welcome back! Our next performance is by BTS with their new song, 'Wrong Ending'! Can you tell us about it?" 

"It's a love story that didn't end the way they wanted it to," Yoongi started. 

"It's about Jisoo and I's relationship, and how we were forced to break up, even though we're still in love with each other," the crowd gasped. Frantic motions were exchanged by the people behind the camera, but Taehyung just kept going. "Jisoo, I still love you, and I don't care what our companies say. I need to be with you. Will you be mine again?" 

"Yes," I simply smiled. He pulled me into another kiss, and the crowd exploded into cheers, booing, and screaming. Once they performed their set, I came back on stage. 

"For the record, we just wanted to say that we did talk to PDnim, and he said that he was fine with us getting back together," Taehyung held my hand. 

"I don't know how YG-nim would react," I muttered. When the show was over, we checked Twitter. To our surprise, #YGisoverparty and #vsoobacktogther were trending. People were very mad at our companies, but happy for us. In the end, the companies let us stay together. Now we're happier than ever. 

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