Chapter 5

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Seth POV

This really feels good. We have the crowd going crazy and we are really tearing the house down out here. I love my job, couldn't think of life without it.

We finish the match (with a win of course) and head to the locker room. On the way there, I get stopped by my favorite Irish girl.

"Hey Seth, you did amazing out there."Becky says

"Thanks Beck's. Takes alot of practice to get those moves down. I can teach them to you sometime if you want."I say with a shrug.

"I'd love that Seth."she says looking at me.

We hold eye contact for a while, and I noticed that we got closer to each other, and I was almost pressed against her. I couldn't take my eyes off of her, I couldn't bring myself to do it. I was looking into her eyes, I saw alot of hurt in them. It made me want to just hold and protect her from any harm that comes her way. She makes me feel a way that I can't explain...

"Umm, I think we should be going, yeah Lass?" She asks breaking the silence.

"Um, yeah, I guess. See ya tomorrow, be ready at 8, I'm picking you up so you can learn done moves okay?"

"Umm, sure. Well, I'll see ya tomorrow"she said giving me a hug.

Before she could move away, I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to me. I couldn't help it, she's beautiful. She wrapped her little arms around me and laid her head on my chest. It made me feel as if she were mine.

I like this feeling, I don't want it to stop.

"Umm, sorry to interrupt, but Becks, I have to get to the hotel now. The people at the front desk called me and said they're getting complaints about loud music being played."Charlotte says awkwardly.

Becky slowly pulled herself away from me, and turned around to walk to her truck with Charlotte.

She walked for a minute, stopped, and said "Bye Seth"and continued to walk away. I stayed, frozen in place, and watched her go.

"Well that was interesting..."I hear Joe say quietly

"You were standing there the whole time?"

"Yep, me and Jon"Ronan says, bringing Dean out of hiding.

"Ahh, fuck the both of you." I say

"You like her Colby, you can't deny these feelings man. I was that way with my wife, and I almost lost her before I even had her. What you gotta do is realize now that you need her and get her before its too late."Jon says

What's up with this man saying stuff like that? Jon has never been a sap, what's up with him? Ehh.

"Umm, okay. Can we just leave? I don't wanna stay any longer." I say confused.

"Yeah man, let's go."

We walk out of the building and head to the hotel. Once we get there, I run into Rebecca again.

"Oh, hey Colby. Fancy seeing you again."she says giving me a hug

I hold her again, and don't let her go.

"Seth, let her go, we gotta get settled into the room man"Roman says

Fucking cock block 😒 wait, it doesn't matter, I don't like her.

"Alright, I'm coming. Tell Jon not to take my bed or I swear I will kill him." I say

I look to a seemingly comfortable Becky, and say "I gotta go little woman, see you tomorrow, right?"

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