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Ann's (Theo's mom's) POV
Was that? Her? I tried to check, but my tears of joy were blurring my vision. I tried to keep my composure, and walk steadily towards the daughter I had not seen in 25 years, since she was 5, but ended up sprinting, and wrapping my arms around my beloved Theodosia.


Her salty tears dampened the shoulder of my dress. My tears coated the top of her head.


Theodosia's POV:
My mom! I can't believe I'm hugging my mom! She seems healthier than I remember. Well, that's not hard, seeing as the last time I saw her, she was on her deathbed with cancer.

'I can't believe I finally get to see you again, Mom!'

'I know, I know.'

Her smile reminded me of sunlight. I returned a sunlit smile, and we shared a moment of summer, until tears of joy came sliding down our faces.

'We need to catch up, Theo. Tell me everything.'


'So you're telling me, that all you have to do to find anyone in heaven, is search their name up in this machine, and it'll know who you mean?'

'Yep. Anyone.' Her face was red with all of our reunion crying. 'It's like snap maps for dead people.'

'OMG, I can finally meet Freddie Mercury!'

Her laughter rang through the air. My mother. I can't believe she was right there beside me, talking to me.

'Give it a shot.'

But I did not search for Freddie Mercury. I didn't even search for my father.

No, I searched for Aaron Burr.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2019 ⏰

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