Not a Hard Man to Love

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Chapter Three

1922- December

Three months later

Edith looked at herself in her mirror and stared at the small, almost nonexistent, bump that was starting to form in the lower part of her stomach. You could hardly see it unless she would put her hand under it, marking it with her dress, but it was there. She could definitely feel it. Lately, a paralyzing fear had started to take over her.

What If I was a horrible Mother?

The fear hit her when she held her nephew George in her arms. She loved the little boy dearly, seeing Mathew in his baby face, but when the boy suddenly started to cry in her arms, Mary snatched him out of her arms.

“Oh, give him here. Edith, if you cannot handle your nephew for a few moments how do you expect to deal with your own child?” Mary remarked snidely as she walked away from her with George in her arms.

Although, Edith tried not to let it get to her, but she couldn’t help it if her elder sister’s comment made its way to her head like venom.  All she could picture in her head was her dropping her baby on its head, giving him or her a concussion or not breastfeeding him or her correctly. For she does insist on breast feeding, she will not let a maid do her duty as a Mother.

However bad of a Mother I may turn out to be.

“Are you all right?” Tom asked as he exited the restroom. He was dressing himself for breakfast.

They have kept their sleeping arrangements of the first night. He would sleep on the floor every night and he would give her the bed. Edith would never admit it, but she missed waking up to a warm body next to her.She hadn’t dared suggest to Tom to sleep next to her again. She was protecting their friendship more than anything. At least, that’s what she told herself.

“Yes, I’m fine.” Edith answered as she sighed and touched up her hair in the mirror.

“Are you sure?” Tom insisted.

Edith smiled at him, as always, he was one of the few people in her life who worried about her.

“Yes, I’m sure. Thanks for asking.” Edith said as she squeezed his arm and saw Tom’s look of disbelief in his eyes but didn’t keep insisting on it, thankfully.

The couple walked down for breakfast but before entering the hall, Edith felt Tom stop her by the arm.

“Take my hand.” Tom whispered to her.

“What? Why?” Edith whispered back but took his hand anyway.

“Just look at Mary’s face when we enter. I’m going to whisper something in your ear and you’re going to laugh.” Tom answered with a little smirk.

Edith giggled lowly and held his hand tighter as they entered the hall. Tom and Edith (more Tom than anything) liked to do “romantic” things in front of Mary just to bother her. Mary has made several remarks throughout these months about what she felt about Tom and Edith’s relationship, but Tom has insisted to Edith to ignore them. But, it being Mary, Edith found it quite hard to do that.

The couple walked in and saw that, as usual, Robert was sitting down reading his newly pressed paper while Mary and Rose were chatting about something. Robert has been much more at peace about the whole situation with Edith and Tom. He must have concluded that he knew Tom well enough to know he was a good man and he would never hurt his daughter. It amazed Edith how easily her Father changed his mind about Tom being her husband. Robert had gained so much trust in him that, in her Mother’s words:

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