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Peter's POV

School has been hell today, more so than usual. I kept getting text messages from Petra saying that she had a feeling something bad was going to happen, and soon. I wasn't sure if this was real or if she just felt bad, either way I told her we would meet up after our current classes. The bell finally rings and I'm the first to run out of the room, I get to Petra's classroom door faster than usual. Why can I suddenly run so fast?

"What's going on?" I ask in a nervous tone as I mess with the bracelet on my wrist, Petra made it for me a while ago. She won't tell me what it does though.

"I already told you. I have a feeling something bad is going to happen. But I don't know what it is, or how I know it's going to happen anyway. I just... you think I'm crazy don't you?" she says, turning to face me as she came to a stop in front of the gym. How did we end up here so fast?

"Yes. But that doesn't mean that I don't believe you." I say as I open the door for her, we say our goodbyes and agree to meet up immediately when the bell rings to release us for lunch.

Petra's POV
I know something bad is going to happen, I can feel it. But what? And when? I walk out of the locker room and everything starts to spin, I sway slightly before falling against the wall. I hear voices, but I can't make out what they were saying. I close my eyes for what felt like a second, but according to the clock in the nurse's office, it was really an hour.

"It's probably going to take a while to get used to this. Maybe if we tell Ben and May they'll let us stay home for a few days." Peter says quietly, somehow knowing that my head was hurting.

"Are you insane? We can't tell them, We can't tell anyone. We'll have to figure something else out." I say as I attempt to sit up, Peter puts his hand behind my back to help me.

"Well at least now you won't have the feeling that something's going to happen." Peter says.
I look him in the eye as I calmly say, "This was only the beginning."

Third Person POV
The school day ended with a loud ring of the bell as the twins ran out the front door and turned left into the alley that would take them to the library. They needed to pick up some books for their upcoming book reports. The two heard an alarm ringing as they passed the bank on the next block from their school.

"Stop him! Thief!" someone yelled, but the twins weren't too concerned with it, not until they heard a familiar voice.

"Drop the money!" Ben Parker yelled as he got out of his car, the robber pulled out a gun and fired two shots, both hitting Ben in the chest. The twins couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Peter's POV
I watch in horror as our uncle confronts the bank robber. I was worried as to what might happen and when I heard the gun go off I realized what the bad feeling Petra had been talking about was. Ben fell to the ground, blood beginning to seep through his shirt. I looked at my sister and we seemed to have the same thought, we both took off hoping to get to our uncle before it was too late. I heard his heartbeat as it began to slow, I felt a hand on my shoulder. Petra. She was closer to Ben than I was, I can't imagine how she must be feeling right now, but I know that's she feels worse than I do.

Petra's POV
I stand next to Peter as we watch our uncle bleed out. That man ran right past us, we could've stopped him. Why didn't we stop him? I turned to my brother, enclosing him in a hug as I force back tears and watch him begin to sob as he stares at Ben's body in shock. I pull out my phone, dialling 911 with shaking fingers. The cops had already been in route since the alarm had been triggered, as soon as I hit the end call button three police cars pulled up and two officers got out of each one.

"I need you two to move." the officer said as he tried to push us away from our uncle, apparently the spider bites had given us super strength, because we were able to push past him easily.

"I'm sorry for your loss." I felt my heart break at the words. What are we going to tell Aunt May?

Sorry it took so long... stuff has been crazy at school lately my teachers want to make my life worse than Hell.

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