Chapter 10

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The rest of the days I spend it in my room wanting to be alive, wanting to be with my dad and blaming me for being super stupid and getting myself killed two years ago. I deserve this. I deserve to be feeling like this because I was stupid and hurted my family and friends. When someone entered my room. I dry my tears and turn around. It was Pietro. He putted his hand in my shoulder and said "Hey, um, (Y/N). They figured where Thanos is and they are going to go get him" I nodded. I guessed my dad wasn't going so I didn't want to go. Even though I'm not sure I could've anyway. Pietro leaved and I stay there thinking. If everything would go well everyone except Pietro and I would go back. And Pietro and I would be left alone again. I wondered if they would remember seeing us. I wondered if they would tell my dad about me. 

If I told them something for him they would tell him. I was brought back to reality by a spaceship leaving the yard and getting lost in space. I got up and went to see my dad. He was still in bed sleeping next to Pepper. I sit next to her and watch my dad sleep. I stayed like that for a few moments, I really don't know how long. Until I felt a hand in my shoulder, I looked up and saw Pietro. He saw I had puffy red eyes, because I had been crying, and gave me a sad smile. "They are back" He said seriously and I nodded.

I got up from the couch and kissed my dad in the forehead. "I love you dad" I whispered to him and then got out with Pietro to see everyone and what had they achieved.

Nothing. They achieved absolutely nothing. From what I understood, when they arrived at wherever Thanos was he had destroy the stones and then Thor chopped his head off. That is what they told Pepper. So that was it. They could never bring anyone back. I was mad and sad, of course. I stayed with Bucky, Sam, Wanda and everyone, trying to comfort them. But I was kind of relieved, I was relieved that I wasn't going to be alone, that part of my family was still with me. But having that thoughts made me feel worst. I couldn't believe I was feeling good about my family feeling sad and frustrated. I remained with them and that was pretty much it.

I spend the rest of the time with them and never leave the house. I didn't like it. I hated watching people wondering through New York, looking lost and shattered.

And that was it. My life remained like that for a year. I never left my house, I couldn't, and I didn't want to. I didn't want to go to school or to see any of my old friends.

Sometimes I would talk or play something with the other 'dusted' avengers. But I mostly spend time hanging with my dad. I found out he wanted to have another child.

I was with him when Pepper gave her the amazing news that he was going to be a dad. Again. Was something that crossed my mind and I'm sure everyone's too but no one said anything. I was scared and happy. It was all mixed feelings.

Of course I was happy my dad was having another daughter/son but I didn't want him to forget me or replace me. I also couldn't help but imagine how amazing it would've been if I could've been a big sister. Pepper actually told my dad so when she told him about the pregnancy. She said "You know, (Y/N) would've been a great big sister" She smiled. My dad, who was already crying (happy tears) nodded and smiled "She would've been the best" I smiled and wiped my tears.

I was also with them when they found out it was a girl. 'Morgan (Y/N) Stark-Potts'. Yep, her middle name was my name. You beat I cried when I heard that. It made me so happy that not only they weren't replacing me but also that she would carry some of me in her so that she would know she had a big sister, which even thought she would never met, she loved her.

At the moment I was in my dad's workshop watching him work in a cradle for Morgan while listening to Led Zeppelin. It was funny looking at him getting a little frustrated at first when he couldn't figure out how to make it and then just making one with a lot of tech instead of the wooden one he got. I was singing to the song in the background while my dad just nodded to the music, focus on his work. When Happy called "Um Tony?" My dad paused the music, which made me look weird because I continued to sing and dance before I realized that he had stopped it, luckily no one could hear me. "Yes Happy?" "We got a situation down here" My dad sighed "What is it" He said while rolling his eyes. "There's- Um- there's a girl here" Happy said "She says Peter is here" He said. 

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