Hello Family :)
Before you decide to not read this and leave, update in an hour :P. Important note before we dive into the story. Please do read. :)
His life was simple and plain until she turned it upside down by introducing him the world through a new lens.
Her life was chaos until he came as a fresh breeze and taught her what love is.
They were two opposite poles of a magnet but the people around them knew magnets never existed as a monopole and they were destined to be with each other.
[A/N - I am repeating a few lines again because I have deleted the previous note and those are important :P]
Welcome to a new journey of love. I have started writing this book a few months back, almost an year. I had to take a few breaks because I was unable to continue to write. All the previous ones, I have written were my experiences some or the other way. This one is a completely new project arised from a single thought which I will tell you when we reach the chapter. It was a real test. Now that I have completed writing this(only the first draft) and know how the story and characters will unfold, I am eager and excited to share it with you.
I hope you will like this one and support me as you have always supported me.
We are officially starting this book.
Few facts about the story:-
1. The story is a fanfiction based on the characters Manik Malhotra and Nandini Murthy from the TV show, Kaisi Yeh Yaariyan. But only the names of characters are taken from the show. It can be read even if you haven't watched the show.
2. It mostly revolves around the Malhotras and Nandini. Rest of the characters help the story to move forward.
3. The story has two parts-
a. Manik falling in love with Nandini.
b. Nandini falling in love with Manik.It is one of the longest I have written.
A few important points to note before we start our journey.
1. Your feedback, comments, votes mean the world to me. It encourages me to know, my readers and I are on the same page. (Not literally because I know more details about the story than you :P)
2. Your opinions, suggestions, complaints are always welcome but unnecessary bashing will simply be ignored or blocked. No entertainment will be provided regarding this matter. Sorry.
3. All the 'update soon' comments will be ignored so does the comments where people ask only about the updates and nothing else. It generally takes 10 times more time to write a chapter than the time you take to read it. Hopefully, I won't disappear without a message or note. But if I do for a long time, you are free to question me, spam my inbox, or message board.
4. I am planning to update the chapters once or twice a week whenever they are ready or I am free.
5. The chapters are mostly written in English but wherever there are any Hindi words, I have translated in '[italics]'.
I get a lot of messages from silent readers saying sorry for not voting or commenting on the chapters even if they loved the book.
Guys, I don't care if you don't vote or comment on the chapters. I am an introvert and I perfectly understand your need to stay hidden. Just people happily reading my book is precious to me. No one would ever force you to drop in comments or vote any chapters. There won't be any targets for you to meet. YOU ARE FREE to read the book. If you really want to share your opinions about anything, you can comment whenever you want or just drop in a message in my inbox. I will get back to you. Feel comfortable to curl up on your bed and read the book without the care in the world. If I could bring a smile on your faces, I have achieved more than I have ever expected.
Finally, to the people who message me asking if we can be friends, you sweet people, read the first two words at the start of every new chapter. You are my extended family. You don't need to feel hesitant to drop in a message.

The Nerd and The Brat ✔️
FanfictionHis life was simple and plain until she turned it upside down by introducing him the world through a new lens. Her life was chaos until he came as a fresh breeze and taught her what love is. They were two opposite poles of a magnet but the people...