23. It Hurts When She is Sad

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Hello Fam :)

There will be another update today after this chapter. So if anyone can't find it, please drop in a message. 

A/N - If you could understand Manik in these two chapters, you are awesome. If you hate Manik after these two chapters, you are free to hate him all you want because, after that, the boy is definitely gonna steal so many hearts. :P

Happy Reading...

Mr. Murthy prided in knowing his daughter too well, at least predicting her choices and steps to appreciable accuracy. That's really important to choose what's best for her. His father was foolish enough to write the maximum of Murthy properties on her name when she was just a kid. How did he expect her to manage an entire empire when she wasn't capable of doing her homework on her own? That was the time when he decided to take things in his hands.

If Nandini was manipulating enough to get a whole fortune on her name when she was hardly ten, Mr. Murthy guessed she would be hazardous to society and them when she would take over the company sometime in the future. It was in the best interests of everyone to control the brat.

He was sipping his whiskey when his wife made her way to his office. Great. After attending last night's space college function, she was the exact person he wanted to have an opinion from.

"Who do you think is the perfect partner for our daughter? A boy smart enough to shut her mouth and keep her ego in check or the one stupid to even open his mouth in front of her?", he asked.

His wife raised an eyebrow. "If someone has enough guts to shut her mouth, he is dangerous for us too because whatever it is, Nandini is too smart for her own good."

Mr. Murthy chuckles. "The only thing she acquired from me." He gulped down his whole drink and smirked. "So, it's the elder Malhotra then."

She refills his glass again before taking one for herself. "Cheers for a new alliance with the Malhotras."


Nandini was sleeping in her room. In between her head duties and her classes, she had lost too many hours of her sleep. Since today was Sunday, she decided to utilize it to her advantage. Her college function the previous day just added to her tiredness.

It might be nine or ten, she didn't know, when her mobile buzzed continuously disturbing her from a peaceful slumber. She grabbed her mobile and slid the answer option without checking the caller id. "Listen, whoever you are, I am sleeping. Call me after two hours unless you want to be killed by me."

"I don't want to be killed but can you please get me my book back?"

Manik? Nandini groaned into her pillow. "Don't you understand anything at once? I. AM. SLEEPING. GOODNIGHT."

"Please don't cut the call. I have waited all night after you disappeared from the party without informing anyone. I apologize for asking you to bring it to me but can you at least ask someone to drop it at our home? I have got a fever and Cabir said he would tie me up to bed if I even move an inch. I am in the middle of the book."

"Halt your superfast express, will you? You will get your book in an hour or two until then shut the hell up and leave me in peace", she yelled and cut the call.

She tried to get back to sleep again and was again disturbed by a butler. "What?", she screamed.

"Sir asked if you would like to come for the Sunday family breakfast?", he informed.

Nandini groaned again. They hardly were a family and Sunday family breakfast was another drama. If she wasn't wrong, they might be expecting some guests and wanted her to play up the perfect daughter role. On any other day, she would have obliged, she had to maintain the reputation of Murthy Industries but today she was too tired. She needed an escape. "I am not hungry. Tell him, I am going out for some work."

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