38. I Trust You

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Hello Fam :)

The first half of the chapter might feel a bit unrealistic but I met people like that. So, not at all exaggerating about it. :P

Another important one. ;)

Happy Reading...

Cabir 'was' the happiest person when the idea of forcing his head couple to share a sleeping bag occurred in his brain. He didn't expect a miracle to happen but at least he was looking for some signs to tease them. What was out of the understanding of his nerve range was the head couple to completely avoid each other.

It had been a week. During the first half of the week, he didn't find any difference in Manik's behavior but Nandini avoided him as much as possible until his brother noticed it. They might have had a conversation or two, no proof there, but since Thursday Manik had locked himself up in his room, bunking his classes. Someone had to force him out of the room for food which he shoved whatever was available within ten minutes before escaping to his room again.

After two days of avoiding all the human world, on Saturday, Cabir sneaked up on him multiple times during the day and found him reading books. It wasn't new but he was being secretive whenever Cabir asked him about the genre or the name of the book. Manik slept the whole day on Sunday and read some more on Monday morning.

It was around noon when he came to Cabir's room. "Cabir, I need to meet Nandini. Can you please drive me to college?"

Cabir glanced up at Manik and the look on his face frightened him. Instead of kicking his overprotective brother mode on, he concentrated on his decision of giving Manik his space and chance to take his own decisions. "Manik, are you freaking out?", he asked while grabbing his car keys.

"Yes, but no time to discuss that now. Drive me to Nandini, please", he asked again.

Cabir nodded. His plan of not freaking out was failing badly. Thanks to his racing skills, they were in the parking area of their college within half an hour and without any incidents. Beside him, Manik was bouncing his leg continuously. Before he could escape out of the car, Cabir pulled him by his wrist. "You are scaring me, Manik. What's going on?"

"Nandini is pregnant", he told.

Cabir laughed. It was ridiculous. When he last met Nandini two days back, she was fine. "Bhai, are you joking?", he asked between his laughter but Manik was biting his lip and the frown on his face worried him. "Manik, are you serious? It's not something to joke about", he told carefully.

Manik shook his head. "We slept together. I need to talk to her, kid." He didn't wait for Cabir and stormed off inside the building.

It took a few minutes for Cabir to process the news before his resolve cracked up and he let himself worry about his Manik.


Nandini was having the time of her life. Her parents were on an exotic vacation with some of their friends and Nandini had the house to herself. After two weeks of nonstop hard work, she felt she deserved the freedom of having the house to herself and the cheeseburgers in her canteen were heaven which was her priority at present. Abhimanyu and Mukti were bantering over some stupid topic and Nandini ignored them for the food.

Hence, she thought she was justified to punch the person who pulled the burger away from her hand. It was a quick reflex which stopped her hand when she saw Manik in front of her. "Manik, what the hell?", she asked softly. She noticed the panic on his face and it wouldn't do him good if she screamed at him now.

The boy pushed the plate further away from her and pulled her on her chair before taking another chair in front of her for himself. "Nandini, you can't eat all that greasy food", he told.

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