Chapter 14

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I guess...

I guess a new life of myself begins...


Opening up your eyes, you find yourself staring at the ceiling. Nothing more, nothing less. "Geez my head..." You rubbed your eyes while you rested your hand on your head. "What a weird dream."

You headed downstairs, only to meet your brother, just like always. "Morning." You greeted him as you sat on your seat, ready to eat.

"What's with the tone all of the sudden?" You brother asked as he put down your favorite breakfast in front of you.

"Just had a weird dream. That's all." You gave him a small smile. Thanking your brother for the food, you began eating it bits by bits.

As you were done having your meal time, you forgot that a friend of yours await himself outside your home. You quickly rushed upstairs to put on your school uniform. Quickly rushing downstairs you opened the door as you saw Okurimo waiting for you.

He notice you and waved at you. "Hey!" He greeted. "That took long. Just like always."

"Yeah. Just like always." You laughed it off.

The two of you started walking off towards school, as Okurimo began to talk about some stuff like always. "Tch, all those stories your saying is just made-up." You said.

"As if. I saw it with my own eyes!" He said, as he widen his eyes using the help of his hands. "Even if i tell you this many times, you still know what you gotta say."

"Yeah, because you've told me that story over like a 100 times." You chuckled.

"But seriously. This time you gotta believe me!" Okurimo grabbed both of your shoulders wirh his hands as he starts shaking you.

"Stop shaking me!" You stopped him from shaking you. As Okurimo lets go of you, the two of you heard the bell of your school ringing.

"Whelp, i'll see you at lunchtime." Okurimo said and waved goodbye as he got to his classroom.


I... I can't believe we've lost him...

It was my fault! I should've known about it when he told me that!

You shouldn't take an apology on what you've did. It was his own decision to get his memory whiped away when he lost to another revue.

You're right. But... how are we ever going to get him back and remember his old memory? We don't know where he is!

Maybe he will know.


You listened closely to the teacher as she was talking, but your eyes were in it's own image as you looked outside the window. Outside you saw some kids playing pirates as they git sticks at their sword weapon.

Looking at them made you get a weird electricity in your head. "Ouch!" You said outloud. You notice that everyone in your class was staring at you.

"Something the matter (L/N)?" The teacher asked as she was tapping her shoe with her arms crossed.

"Uh, nothing's wrong teacher! I'm totally fine!" You fastly spoke.

The teacher sighed as she continued with the class about some... stuff, that you didn't even listen to.

Something weird came up to me. What the actual heck?

"...And then something weird came and like hit my head or something." You told Okurimo.

Okurimo took a bite out of his lunch as he started to think. "Hmm..."

"Maybe... no, no, that can't be it..." Okurimo kept thinking. But then he gave up. "I don't know. But you said earlier you saw kids playing pirates, right?"

You nodded. "Yeah. It was actually out of nowhere when i looked outside. Maybe because of my imagination. But i never imagine kids playing pirates." You took a sip out of your orange juice.

"Must be a coincidence. Or maybe... something that you remembered back?" Okurimo thought outloud.

"Hm... No, i don't think so." You shrugged.

"Then i give up." Okurimo said, giving up.

"You can't!" You said to Okurimo, not letting him give up now. "I still need to know where it was coming from!"

"Then how about we shall go on an adventure? We have tomorrow some free time from school because of the weekend, so maybe that'll do." Okurimo suggest, eating the kast bite of his favorite lunch.

"Great idea, Okii-kun! That way i sure will know what i forgot!" You said.


"Sorry that i cam up early to you." Okurimo apologized. "Had to plan something up."

"I understand. But you must know that he must never know about this place." A voice in the shadow said to Okurimo.

"That's no problem. Everything will be still the same as it was." Okurimo crossed his arms as he smirks.

"I can't underestimate you, Okurimo." The voice told him.

"Don't worry. I've got this." Okurimo said. "I should go now. A friend of mine is waiting for me. Time for a new adventure." He then left the scene of the underground theatre.

Revue of True Love - a Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight fanficfion [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now