When We Kinda Sorta Messed Up

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           Our typical way of celebrating after such a flawless art piece of a mission, was to:
A. Make sure the asset is secure and have a typical mission success after party with other agents.

B. Head to the nearest bar since we're in Andromeda and party our asses off without securing the asset because we're idiots.

     We chose option B because we thought absolutely nothing would happen of course. It's not like we haven't done it before, I don't drink while I'm holding an asset (despite being old enough to drink in most of Andromeda). Sure it's gotten us into trouble once but that was only because we included it in our reports because we were dumbass recruits at the time. Look we weren't the smartest of the bunch okay?

     I mean, it's only against the rules if you're caught right? Up until then, we had a 100% success rate in our entire pairing and I was certain it would stay that way so we went to go party at the nearest bar!

        Green and I strode to the bar and sat down on our stools, with me carrying the case of course. I ordered a water (because I'm a semi-sane bitch when it comes to drinks and assets), and Green, being the handsome, apparently manly (Not really), idiot that he is, got hammered.

      "Cheers to another day at the office am I right-Green?" He was gone and I sighed before I pressed the glass of water to my lips, and I immediately noticed an odd grin on the bartender's face as I downed the beverage. I spit out what was in my mouth and stood up but at this point, I had swallowed a large amount it was needless to say that the fucker drugged me. How did it hit me so fast? Even without my training it should have taken a solid minute but NOOOOO the Gods decided to give me the worst possible luck.

      In that moment, I honestly just wanted to grab Green and get out of there. I fumbled through my bag, searching for my clarification drops,  but someone tore it from my grasp along with the case. "N-no." Its ironic how I thought that would magically stop the thief. Saying 'No' is a move that only works on animals and some toddlers, lets face it.

       I tried to give chase but everything was blurry and my head was spinning so I stumbled and fell. I felt someone help me up and silently nodded my appreciation before trying to get that goddamn case back. I tried to call out for Green but I felt so nauseatingly sick when I tried speaking, that I damn near fell down again.

        Listen to me when I say that being drugged is the absolute WORST. Okay? It hurts, you feel dizzy, nauseous, and you can't see shit. On top of that, being a 19 year old Female Terran in a dress that exposes a decent amount of your body means creeps. Lots of them. Thank the gods for the bouncer, and a drunken Green who I'm willing to bet scared them off with that  cloaked machete he carries around with him.

      Long story short, I blacked out and that sexy drunk fool, Green, somehow booked us a room and got me to bed before he blacked out on the floor himself I guess. I don't know. I was drugged, remember?

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