What They Love About You

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S.Coups: How you act around kids. Kids flock to you and love you so much. You could easily be a teacher or a nanny one day. Seungcheol can't help but imagine what it would be like with you as the mother of his children.

Jeonghan: He loves that you just get him. You guys send each other the weirdest memes; where others might be weirded out, you two just laugh until your stomachs hurt. Sharing jokes with one another helps in the long stretches where you don't see each other.

Joshua: You can always ground him. Sometimes Joshua feels like he can get caught up in everything: the performing, the attention, the travelling. It can be a little too much, and when it is, he comes to you and you always bring his heart back to what truely matters. He loves his bandmates and he loves his Carats, but there's a special, completely different place in his heart just for you.

Jun: He loves that you love him. It's as simple as that. The way you care for him and when he's feeling down really makes him feel better. Even just a hug from you will do it for him. The little comforting gestures and empathetic words make him want to hold on to you and never let go.

Hoshi: He loves how ambitious you are. Whatever you're doing, whether it's in work, school, or personal projects like fitness goals or artistic endeavors, you give everything your all. He's a dedicated worker too, and he's super excited for when you guys move in together and design your own house, or get married and plan your wedding. He knows that they'll turn out to be the best ever, since you'll work on them. Once you set your mind to it, you can do anything.

Wonwoo: He loves how real you are. Some people can think that Wonwoo is pessimistic or emo, but you don't. He likes that when he's with you, you guys can talk about deep stuff, what's been on your mind, and his mind. It's not all serious talk, but he likes that you have your opinions and stick by them. There's nothing you'll hide from him and nothing he'll hide from you.

Woozi: He loves that you have your life together. That might seem really simple, but Woozi likes a confident woman who can balance everything in her busy schedule. You both have super busy lifestyles and he knows that you'll never complain that he doesn't make time for you, because you get how difficult it is. You take charge in the relationship and are a quick decision maker, which he finds a lot more interesting than girls who just say they're 'chill for whatever'.

DK: You always have a positive attitude, and that's something DK really appreciates. He can't be around people who are too pessimistic because they just drain his energy. No matter how exhausted he is from schedule, he always has energy to talk with you. Your conversations and interactions are fast-paced, which really excited him. He loves talking to you the most from everyone.

Mingyu: Mingyu finds it cute how you're so shy. At first, at least. Once you warm up to someone you're pretty outgoing, but if you're around strangers or large groups of people you tend to get quiet. He finds it endearing, and likes whispering jokes to you when he sees you get like this. The two of your balance each other out, and he loves how readily you laugh at his jokes. He loves your laugh, too.

Minghao: He loves the fact that you are so open-minded. You hardly ever judge anyone and always give people the benefit of the doubt, which is something Minghao really admires. Because of this, you can get along with almost anybody, and you're very forgiving, which is another thing that Minghao loves. There's no problem between you two that you can't sort out. 

Seungkwan: Seungkwan is super weird, and so are you! He loves the fact that you can sass him back. He's usually the outspoken, wild one, but you're equally wild, and so it keeps him on his toes. You're also a huge dork (in a good way), and you guys aren't afraid to share your weird passions with each other. He misses you like crazy when he's on tour, but he loves your special ability to call him right when he's thinking about you the hardest. During those calls is the only time when his voice gets truely soft and quiet.

Vernon: You always give them best advice. Whenever he needs some input into making a really difficult decision, he always asks you. Or even if it's just, "what should I order?" at a restaurant, you'll always steer him in the right direction. You're his rock, and you don't mind being the big spoon for him.

Dino: He loves that you're confident in yourself no matter how you look. That's not to say you don't have any insecurities, but he likes that you don't feel like you have to wear makeup all of the time, especially around him. You're not one of the girls who has a 's-line' body figure or supermodel height, and you're okay with that. Dino doesn't care how you look, as long as you're confident and love yourself. In his line of work, he is high-maintenance enough for the two of you.

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