Chapter 10: Old Memories(Flynn's POV)

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Hello! I am hoping to reach 70 comments for this chapter. Please help me. And 75 for next chapter. Also the person who comments the most will get a shoutout and a follow.

Wanda turned and mouthed a sorry as I did the same. It was such a bizarre feeling...I didn't wanted her to go...but I didn't wanted to be with her either...I was afraid to do so. I talked to Flora about the fight.

''Flora why the hell will you fight with your own sister?'' I asked her.

''Because I wanted to!'' she growled.

I tried to grab her shoulder but she pushed me away and said:'' Don't dare to touch me. Go touch that bitch you were so comfortable dancing with!''

''What the fuck Flora? currently you are behaving like a bitch and why are you jealous?'' I frowned.

''Oh please! I am not jealous! and calling a 'bitch' a bitch is NOT being a bitch!'' she boomed and stormed away.

Now only me, Harry and John were standing in the kitchen and the loud music couldn't fill the deadly silence of the questions we had.

''Hey John! I am just gonna go to my home. Do you want a ride to your house?'' I asked John.

''No but Harry needs one.'' He motioned to Harry who gave me look that meant 'its okay if you can't drop me'

''Sure C'mon Harry!'' I smiled at him. Sienna looked cute with him. I better don't say this in front of her or else she will kill me and feed me to the wolves.

It was a long ride and Harry kept on saying he can go from here I don't need to drop him at his house. But I insisted. He is a good guy and we exchanged contacts. It's nice to make friends. Isn't it? I dropped him at his house at around 12. Hey! don't blame me I would love to be at the party till 3 but we are working people. We gotta sleep early if we wanna wake up early. Harry's had a beautiful house and almost as big as mine. The cream and maroon color complimented perfectly! We gave greetings and I left for my house.

The weather was cloudy and halfway home it started raining. I opened the windows all the way down and let the raindrops soak me. I Love Rain! it is my life! I stopped the car when I pulled into the driveway. I got out and stayed under the open sky which showered rain upon me. The party was was great! The dance was memorable and the food was finger licking good. Did I just quote KFC? hell yeah I did.

But the fight between Flora and Sienna...that was horrible. They would sure be killing each other if me and Wanda di---Wanda...oh how will I ever forget her soft and tingling touch. Her hands fit perfectly in my hands and her head fixed in the curve of my neck and it seemed as if it was made for this very purpose. Not gonna lie I felt sad when Wanda left or more like when Sienna dragged her away and out of the party. It felt like a heartbreak when her fingers left mine and coldness took its place, but I feel a connection between me and her is already made with a delicate but unbreakable golden thread.

WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING???No...No...Please No...heart and mind please NO! stop! No more Wanda. No...I...I can't th...think...about her. It's terrible! I have pledged myself to Amy. MY Amy ... Wanda can't have any place either in my life OR in my heart. Amy has every right of it. She deserves it. I felt hot tears brimming the rim of my eyes and one slide down from my left eye and an itch developed on my cheek. I wiped it hastily by the back of my palm and went inside the house. My clothes were wet from the rain. I didn't bother changing them and slumped on my bed. My head hit the soft and comfy texture of my bedsheets and another tear wet the sheet. I wiped it again as I shouted ''Stupid tears! stop! stop or i'll....i'll...'' I was in a full cry now. I can't believe sometimes me, a 'GUY' crying so badly. I shouted again '' I'll never see Wanda's face! She...she...can't be mine! Amy is mine! I am amy's! Go away you stupid feelings! GO!!!!'' I felt drained as I took heavy breaths.

''Go'' I purred as tears and sleep took me away from reality...


okay so yeah people that was a little bit past hint for Flynn. I know some of you may be like oh he's a softy he's crying but yeah he can be intimidating at times too. just wait and I will prove that as well. plus yeah Flynn has his own secrets too, one of it being this unknown girl ''Amy''. just hang around to find what's up about this girl.







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