Chapter 1

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3rd POV

Upon leaving his room, Y/n saw team RWBY heading his way. Y/n just sighed and tried to go to class, trying to not make someone mad.

Y/n's POV

Yang: "Hey loser." She yelled. I just ignored her and kept walking, causing her to get mad.

Weiss: "Hey! She's talking to you, you freak." I heard the Weiss yell at me. I just ignore her and went to find my partner, leaving them mad and shocked.

Ruby's POV

Yang: "He just ignored us. He's supposed to listen to us. He gonna get something coming to him." She said, her eyes becoming red and her hair lighting up.

Ruby: "What are we going to do sis?" I asked concern.

Yang: "I'll think of something. In the meantime, let's get to Port's class. Don't want detention do we?" She told me.
All I did was nod. Hoping I could talk to him. Alone. Nowhere near Yang or my team, JNPR. Basically everyone in Beacon

Y/n's POV

'I can't stand you girls. Why did you change?'  Seeing them everyday brings back painful memories from my time here.


'Upon finishing my initiation, Ozpin told me I was going to be in a duo team because of what my parents asked of him. The first day after initiation, everyone was nice and friendly to me, except CRDL. Team RWBY were my friends and I had feelings for them. But a few weeks later, everyone just forgot about me.'

I got rejected by Yang. I was lied to by Ruby. I was beaten by everyone. Only one person stood with me through the hard times. Neo. She was a ... a strange girl. Having two different hair and eye colors didn't make her well like so they bullied her for that. But when  I saved her from the Grimm, that created a spark with her trusting me and caring for me as friends. She's the only person that cares for me after everyone left me alone.

End Flashback

3rd POV

Upon reaching Port's class, an apple was thrown at Y/N's direction. When dodging it, he saw team CRDL angry because he wasn't hit by them. Going to his seat, he saw his partner looking bored.

Y/N: "Hey Neo." I put my hand on her shoulder, making her turn around. When she saw that is was me, she had a smile.

Neo: "Hey Y/N. How are you doing?" Her voice had a hint of worry. Her only friend is being bullied and blamed for no reason and they cant do anything with the professors refusing to listen and the headmaster not caring.

Y/N: "I'm fine, just saw team Rwby but I just ignored them. Don't have time for them." I used to enjoy hanging out with them, but they just hate me for no reason.

Neo: "Well know that I'm here for you. No matter what happens." I smiled at her reply.

Y/N notices that team Rwby arrive and glare at him and Neo. He just glares back at them, not wanting to deal with their attitude this early.


When Port finally arrive he just started talking about useless nonsense. I don't understand what we learn in this class. I only learn that he likes to 'show off' his past with he did, but I don't believe this.

Port: "I was leaving from the hotel that was in  the town. And that is when I noticed. Grimm. So I started to BlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlahBlah

I just stop listening to him. I turned to Neo to see her asleep. Turning back, Port is finishing up his story.

Port: "And with my weapon I slayed the Ursa and saved the town. They called me a hero." Trying to sound proud of himself.

'Hero' my ass was all I could think of. This class is pointless.

Port: "So what was the meaning of the story?" Weiss raised her hand with determination.

Weiss: "To help people no matter what's happening!" I couldn't help but scoff at this.

That was a total lie. They just help people while others are forgotten and unsafe. Port was able to hear.

Port: "Do you got something to say Mr. L/N? Do you not believe what Ms. Schnee says?"

Y/N: "No professor. I believe what she says." While gritting my teeth. I didn't want to stay with Port any longer than I have to. Hopefully Oobleck is more calmer.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2019 ⏰

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