Sup Brenda Williams I'm 28 years old I grew up in Beverly hills I'm married to my high-school sweetheart we've been married for 14 years we do not have any children together you have a 10 bedroom house we are both attorneys I don't play when it comes to my husband and I drive a BMW he owns a Lexus I have a best friend named Crystal Harris we grew up in the same neighborhood she's like a sister to me
Sup my name is Derrick Williams 30 years old I was raised in Beverly hills I'm married to a beautiful woman named Brenda Williams we've been married for 14 years we do not have any children together we are both attorneys we have a 10 bedroom house together I will do anything to keep my marriage anything to keep my wife
What's up my name is Krista Harris I'm 23 years old I was raised in Beverly hills but I live here in New York City I have a best friend named Brenda we grew up in the same neighborhood I do not have any children and I'm not in a relationship at the same law firm if she does and I have a full bedroom house
Hello everyone my name is Kimberly Taylor I was raised in New York City I live here in New York City I have a daughter named Brenda Williams 43 years old I am not with her father he died before Brenda was even born I am an attorney I love my daughter and I would do anything to protect her I have a 9 bedroom house that my husband left me El nino man to satisfy me
What's up my name is Kevin Jackson I was raised here in New York City I am a doctor I'm not in a relationship but when that real woman come along I'm going to spoil the hell out of her I have a 8 bedroom house and I drive a Benz I don't play when it comes to my money that anybody else
What's up my name is Kelly Thomas 32 years old I was raised in New York I live here in New York City I am going to turn it I have a 8 bedroom house I have no children I'm not in a relationship I drive a Bentley when the man comes along you hunt spoil me and then some
Adventurethis story is about a woman named Brenda Williams Brenda Grubb in Beverly hills she met her high school sweetheart there which is Derrick Williams current there it went to the same high school and went to the same college together they are both powe...