learning shadow past

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Sinbad P.O.V

Been with everyone learning about  each other back story well most shadow's. I look back at jafar and everyone. I ask where shadow was born. Then I hear shadow say, 

Flash Back time!!!!!!!

I was born in the wet lands my mother died when I was born. I my father didn't like me or my other sister in the family the boys did like me. I keep my head low not getting into fights I was good kid. I learn how to fight. By others I keep a knife with me all time to stay safe in my village. When I didn't need it is when I was with my older brothers. I trusted them with my life I never pulled my knife on them. I just turn ten and I got a new knife from my from my older brothers and I was with my friends. I was walking around the village we walk into a dark place where nobody can see us. I felt a pair hands on my hips and on my breast I didn't like the this filling. I try to leave but I push into the dirt ground I look up to the person I see my 3 brothers there.

10 mins later 

I got up and left them I ran into woods. I sat under the trees I loved the wood it was like my safe place. In the morning nobody was there I see slave traders there where my house was. I ran and push one the slave traders into the every dray ground I stab one arm. I felt a great push from the other slave trader I push off the ground and stab him in the leg...... I yelled, "I NEVER FELT THIS RUSH BEFORE!!!!!!!"  I keep fighting to save my family I felt something stabbing into my neck I felled into my face four year of learning how be a slave.

The flash back ends

Shadow look up to see everyone eyes they were sad. Shadow holding in tears. Sinbad came over to shadow side hug her everyone took the led of sinbad.

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