Ch. 17: Gone

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As soon as the lunch bell rings I run out of the classroom. I go to the police department and find out something I wish wasn't real.

I walk in and ask to see the League.

Then I hear what I dread the most.

"I'm sorry miss but the League are dead. They committed suicide shortly after they all got here. Even All for one. " The police officer says.

"But that's good. There's less villains to harm us." He says.

I feel anger and sadness.

"Why... Why did they do it?" I ask.

"They said they harmed a girl named Haruna Todoroki. They said she felt like a friend to most and that she was the best girlfriend for one of them. They said that she was the best thing that had happened to them all." He says.

I feel tears threatening to fall.

" Are... Are you sure that they're dead? " I ask.

The guy nods.

"Follow me." He says .

I follow him to jail cells.

We pass through the League's cells. I see all of their dead bodies.

I activate my healing quirk.

I try to heal all of them.

Nothing works.

I reach out and search for a pulse.


They're all really dead.

They're dead because of me.

"Thank you for your time sir. I should get going now." I say.

The man nods.

I run out and go to the bar.

I walk in and feel memories coming back.

The more I remember the more I cry.

I slowly leave the bar and go to school.

When I reach the cafeteria I'm still crying.

I sit at a table by myself.

"It's all my fault... They're dead and It's all my fault... They'd still fucking be alive if you never ran off! They'd still be here... It's all your fault Haruna! They're gone because of you! Today is the last day you got to fucking see them! they're gone forever! I'm never going to see them again! It's all my fucking fault! They died because of you Haruna! You just couldn't stay at home that fucking day could you..." I whisper-yell at myself.

"They're dead because of me... I'll never see them again... All For One... Tomura Shigaraki... Kirogiri... Toga Himiko... Dabi... Tuyo Asato... They're all gone... Forever..." I whisper to myself.

I keep crying and it won't stop.

I try so hard to stop crying but it hurts so much that I can't.

Soon I hear the bell ring.

I've given up on trying to keep myself from crying.

I go to the bathroom and wash my face. I don't bother putting my makeup back on.

I sigh.

I try to make it look like I haven't been crying for the past hour but I fail.

I feel more tears roll down my face.

I feel burning.

I look down and see this.

I look down and see this

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