・chapter 40・

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It was freezing in London when they got back. They'd been on the road for the better part of the morning and afternoon, having been stuck in a fair amount of festive traffic. But thankfully, much like the drive down, conversation came easy. It was only once they got to the city, and the thick dark clouds that hung low over the busy streets, that Asya found herself falling quiet.

Back in the parking lot they'd departed from three days earlier, she'd said a hasty see-you-tomorrow and fled upstairs without so much as a backward glance. There was no need to make it weird, and besides, once back in her apartment there was unpacking to busy herself with. She got to work putting away clothing, sorting through laundry, and getting ready for bed. She honestly didn't know what she was distracting herself from, only knew that keeping busy felt like it was important.

She was back in the rhythm of the city now, back in the noise, and avoiding the temptations that lived two floors above her. She didn't want to seem overbearing, and the last thing she needed was him thinking she was needy. Not to mention there was technically a whole twelve hours left until they become 'friends', whatever the hell that meant.

Before bed she'd sent Julian a message to let him know she was home safe, to which he responded saying he had 'major major news' and asked if she was coming in the next day. Even as she fell asleep that night, she wasn't sure if she wanted to go into the theatre in the morning. She could drop by the physio's office, but even then it didn't seem worth it. She couldn't take class until the physio signed off on it, and a part of her honestly didn't feel ready to.

Come the next morning, she battled with getting herself out of bed. The sky outside her windows was still heavily overcast and it didn't seem like it was going to stop drizzling anytime soon. Truly, it was only the slew of messages from Julian that got her out of bed, showered, and changed.

Dressed in a plain pair of leggings and a black puffer jacket to brave the weather, she grabbed her bag and made her way downstairs. You can do this, she said to herself as she touched up her bun in the elevator. She could probably dodge even just running into anyone if she got really crafty with her timing. Out the elevator, and just about to make her way through the lobby, a voice from behind her made her nearly jump out of her skin.

'You look nice.'

She whirled around, and once she regained control of her nervous system, shot him a glare. Leaning against the wall like he had nothing to do and nowhere to be, with that striking gaze pinned squarely on her, the star of the Russian ballet stood waiting.

'Yeah, well, you look,' she gulped. 'Stupid.'

'Excuse me?' he replied, feigning offence with a hand to his chest. 'Aren't we friends now?'

'Nope, I've got two whole hours left on my one-day of hating you allowance.' she sassed back. 'And now, you're making me late.'

'You made yourself late.' he replied, giving her a once-over like he was sizing her up. 'Come on, I'll drive.'

She watched as he strode across the lobby, and before she could really second guess the implications of getting into his car yet again, she broke into a jog. The theatre was a five-minute walk down the road, but with the ever-persistent winter drizzle outside, she wasn't about to turn the offer down.

Back in the passenger seat of his car wasn't the worst place to be, it felt almost familiar after spending so much time there over the past week. She did slip a few sideways glances at the driver, remarking that he seemed quiet, maybe even distant. Perhaps he was just focused, she told herself.

If Julian's intel was correct, Roman was due to make a return to the big stage within the next two to three months, which could only mean that he was going to start easing into intensive training again. She remembered the promise she made to his aunt, and abruptly shifted her attention to the rain-soaked cobble streets.

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